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Leadtools.PdfCompressor Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools PdfCompressor classes.


Class Description
Class PdfCompressorEngine Provides the functionality to create a PDF document with or without Mixed Raster Content (MRC) segmentation options.
Class PdfCompressorExtensions Contains an asynchronous extension to write PDF content to a LEAD stream. PdfCompressorExtensions is an abstract class and cannot be created directly.
Class PdfCompressorSegmentImageEventArgs Enables the user to approve or cancel the addition of any segment to the document.
Class PdfCompressorSegmentsInfo Provides information about the bitmap segment.
Class PdfCompressorWriteAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains event arguments and it is passed to the PdfCompressorEngine.WriteAsyncCompleted event whenever a PdfCompressorEngine.WriteAsync operation finishes.
Help Version 22.0.2023.3.31
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Leadtools.PdfCompressor Assembly
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