PDFPen Structure Members


The following tables list the members exposed by PDFPen.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor PDFPen Initializes a PDFPen structure with the specified properties

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Color Color of the pen.
Public Property DashLengths The length of a single dash and gap pattern in Dashed pen in PDF coordinates.
Public Property PenStyle Style of the pen.
Public Property Width Width of the pen.

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field Beveled Beveled pen style.
Public Field Dashed Dashed pen style
Public Field Inset Inset line style.
Public Field Solid Solid pen style
Public Field Transparent Transparent pen style
Public Field Underline Underline pen style.

See Also

PDFPen Structure

Leadtools.Pdf Namespace

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