public SvgLoadFlags LoadFlags { get; set; }
The options to use during loading of SVG documents. The default value is SvgLoadFlags.Default.
This member allows you to drop certain elements when loading SVG documents. For example, if you are only interested in the text elements of the SVG, then set LoadFlags to SvgLoadFlags.DropImages | SvgLoadFlags.DropShapes and the engine will not load these types of elements, preserving memory and system resources.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Drawing;
using Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters;
using Leadtools.Svg;
using Leadtools.Document.Writer;
public void SortElementsExample()
// The source PDF file
string srcFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Leadtools.pdf");
string dstFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Example.txt");
// SVG sort callback handler
SvgSortElementsCallback sortCallback = (callabackDocument, info, userData) =>
StreamWriter writer = userData as StreamWriter;
// Is it text?
SvgTextData textData = info.TextData;
if (textData != null)
// Yes, print it to the console
writer.Write(textData.Text + " ");
// See if its end of line
var len = textData.Text.Length;
if ((textData.CharacterFlags[len - 1] & SvgTextCharacterFlags.EndOfLine) == SvgTextCharacterFlags.EndOfLine)
return true;
using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs())
// Set 300 as the default value for loading document files
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.Resolution = 300;
// get the number of pages
int pageCount = codecs.GetTotalPages(srcFileName);
// Create a writer for the output text file
using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(dstFileName))
for (int pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= pageCount; pageNumber++)
// Load this page as SVG, we are interested in the text only so
// we will ask LEADTOOLS to skip other elements
CodecsLoadSvgOptions loadSvgOptions = new CodecsLoadSvgOptions();
loadSvgOptions.DropShapes = false;
loadSvgOptions.DropImages = true;
loadSvgOptions.DropShapes = true;
using (SvgDocument svgDocument = codecs.LoadSvg(srcFileName, pageNumber, loadSvgOptions) as SvgDocument)
// Sort requires a flat document, so check for that
if (!svgDocument.IsFlat)
if (!svgDocument.Bounds.IsValid)
SvgSortOptions sortOptions = new SvgSortOptions();
sortOptions.ExtractText = SvgExtractText.Word;
sortOptions.SortFlags = SvgSortFlags.Default;
Console.WriteLine("Text for page {0}", pageNumber);
svgDocument.SortElements(sortOptions, sortCallback, writer);
// Show the text file
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";