public object GetItem(
int index,
int barcodeTextIndex
Index into the array of extended image information.
Additional parameter that contains extended image information.
For example when getting barcode text, the barcode text length will be passed in this parameter.
The specified extended image information item, cast as an object. If an error occurs an exception is thrown.
Before calling GetItem, check the value of ReturnCode to ensure the attribue is supported and a value is available. Possible values are:
TwainReturnCode.Success - Extended Image Information retrieved successfully TwainReturnCode.InfoNotSupported - Extended Image Information attribute not supported by the device. TwainReturnCode.DataNotAvailable - Extended Image Information attribute supported, but no value was found (i.e. Would occur if no barcode data were found.) Extended image information can be Barcode texts, Barcode data, etc. This method can only be called from within the AcquirePage event.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Twain;
public void GetItemExample(IntPtr parent)
TwainSession session = new TwainSession();
session.Startup(parent, "manufacturer", "productFamily", "version", "application", TwainStartupFlags.None);
TwainExtraImageInformation twainExtImageInfo = new TwainExtraImageInformation(1);
twainExtImageInfo.GetInformation(0).InfoId = TwainExtendedImage.BarcodeText;
twainExtImageInfo.GetInformation(0).ItemType = TwainItemType.Uint32;
if (twainExtImageInfo.GetInformation(0).ReturnCode == TwainReturnCode.Success)
for (int i = 0; i < twainExtImageInfo.GetInformation(0).Count; i++)
uint item = (uint)twainExtImageInfo.GetInformation(0).GetItem(i, 0);
//Do more processing on the item value
catch (Exception ex)