Factor Property

Gets or sets the factor to be applied in the method operation specified in the Mode drop-down list box in the LUT Curve section of the Window Leveling dialog box.
public int Factor { get; set; } 
property int Factor { 
   int get(); 
   void set (    int ); 

Property Value

Represents the factor to be applied in the method operation specified in the specified in the Mode drop-down list box in the LUT Curve section of the Window Leveling dialog box. This parameter is used only if the Mode selected is RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags.Exponential, RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags.Logarithmic or RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags.Sigmoid. If RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags.Exponential or RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags.Sigmoid is specified, its value can be any integer (+1000/-1000). If RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags.Logarithmic is specified, its value should be >= 0. If factor = 0, the lookup table will be filled linearly.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core; 
using Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.Color; 
public void windowLevelDlg_Help(object sender, RasterColorDialogHelpEventArgs e) 
   if (e.Dialog == RasterColorDialogHelpName.WindowLevel) 
      MessageBox.Show("Window Level dialog Help"); 
public void WindowLevelDialogExample() 
   // initialize the RasterCodecs 
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   // load an image 
   RasterImage rasterImage = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Beauty16.jpg")); 
   int size; 
   RasterWindowLevelDialog windowLevelDlg = new RasterWindowLevelDialog(); 
   MinMaxBitsCommand minMaxBitsCmd = new MinMaxBitsCommand(); 
   MinMaxValuesCommand minMaxValuesCmd = new MinMaxValuesCommand(); 
   size = (1 << (rasterImage.HighBit - rasterImage.LowBit + 1)); 
   windowLevelDlg.LowBit = minMaxBitsCmd.MinimumBit; 
   windowLevelDlg.HighBit = minMaxBitsCmd.MaximumBit; 
   windowLevelDlg.Low = minMaxValuesCmd.MinimumValue; 
   windowLevelDlg.High = minMaxValuesCmd.MaximumValue; 
   windowLevelDlg.AutoProcess = false; 
   windowLevelDlg.Factor = 0; 
   windowLevelDlg.Image = rasterImage; 
   windowLevelDlg.ZoomToFit = true; 
   windowLevelDlg.ShowPreview = true; 
   windowLevelDlg.ShowZoomLevel = true; 
   windowLevelDlg.ShowHelp = false; 
   windowLevelDlg.ShowRange = true; 
   windowLevelDlg.Signed = rasterImage.Signed; 
   windowLevelDlg.LookupTable = new Leadtools.RasterColor[size]; 
   windowLevelDlg.StartColor = new Leadtools.RasterColor(0, 0, 0); 
   windowLevelDlg.EndColor = new Leadtools.RasterColor(255, 255, 255); 
   windowLevelDlg.WindowLevelFlags = Leadtools.RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags.Inside | Leadtools.RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags.Linear; 
   windowLevelDlg.Help += new EventHandler<RasterColorDialogHelpEventArgs>(windowLevelDlg_Help); 
   if (DialogResult.OK == windowLevelDlg.ShowDialog(null)) 
      WindowLevelCommand command = new WindowLevelCommand(); 
      command.HighBit = windowLevelDlg.HighBit; 
      command.LowBit = windowLevelDlg.LowBit; 
      command.LookupTable = windowLevelDlg.LookupTable; 
      command.Order = Leadtools.RasterByteOrder.Bgr; 
   // save the resulted image 
   codecs.Save(rasterImage, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "WindowLevelDialogResult.bmp"), RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images"; 

Target Platforms

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