Dispose(Boolean) |
Clean up any resources being used. |
IsInputKey |
This member overrides Control.IsInputKey. |
OnAnimateFloaterChanged |
Raises the AnimateFloaterChanged event. |
OnAnimateRegionChanged |
Raises the AnimateRegionChanged event. |
OnAutoDisposeImagesChanged |
Raises the AutoDisposeImagesChanged event. |
OnAutoInteractiveMagnifyGlassChanged |
Raises the AutoInteractiveMagnifyGlassChanged event. |
OnAutoResetScaleFactorChanged |
Raises the AutoResetScaleFactorChanged event. |
OnAutoResetScrollPositionChanged |
Raises the AutoResetScrollPositionChanged event. |
OnAutoScrollChanged |
Raises the AutoScrollChanged event. |
OnBorderStyleChanged |
Raises the BorderStyleChanged event. |
OnCenterZoomAtPointScaleFactorChanged |
Raises the CenterZoomAtPointScaleFactorChanged event. |
OnDoubleBufferChanged |
Raises the DoubleBufferChanged event. |
OnEnableScrollingInterfaceChanged |
Raises the EnableScrollingInterfaceChanged event. |
OnEnableTimerChanged |
Raises the EnableTimerChanged event. |
OnFloaterImageChanged |
Raises the FloaterImageChanged event. |
OnFloaterPositionChanged |
Raises the FloaterPositionChanged event. |
OnFloaterVisibleChanged |
Raises the FloaterVisibleChanged event. |
OnFrameColorChanged |
Raises the FrameColorChanged event. |
OnFrameShadowColorChanged |
Raises the FrameShadowColorChanged event. |
OnFrameShadowSizeChanged |
Raises the FrameShadowSizeChanged event. |
OnFramesIsPartOfImageChanged |
Raises the FramesIsPartOfImageChanged event. |
OnFrameSizeChanged |
Raises the FrameSizeChanged event. |
OnHorizontalAlignModeChanged |
Raises the HorizontalAlignModeChanged event. |
OnImageChanged |
Raises the ImageChanged event. |
OnInteractiveCenterAt |
Raises the InteractiveCenterAt event. |
OnInteractiveFloater |
Raises the InteractiveMode event. |
OnInteractiveMagnifyGlass |
Raises the InteractiveMagnifyGlass event. |
OnInteractiveModeChanged |
Raises the InteractiveModeChanged event. |
OnInteractiveModeEnded |
Raises the InteractiveModeEnded event. |
OnInteractiveModeMouseButtonChanged |
Raises the InteractiveModeMouseButtonChanged event. |
OnInteractivePage |
Raises the InteractivePage event. |
OnInteractivePan |
Raises the InteractivePan event. |
OnInteractiveRegionCombineModeChanged |
Raises the InteractiveRegionCombineModeChanged event. |
OnInteractiveRegionEllipse |
Raises the InteractiveRegionEllipse event. |
OnInteractiveRegionFreehand |
Raises the InteractiveRegionFreehand event. |
OnInteractiveRegionRectangle |
Raises the InteractiveRegionRectangle event. |
OnInteractiveRegionTypeChanged |
Raises the InteractiveRegionTypeChanged event. |
OnInteractiveScale |
Raises the InteractiveScale event. |
OnInteractiveUserRectangle |
Raises the InteractiveUserRectangle event. |
OnInteractiveZoomAt |
Raises the InteractiveZoomAt event. |
OnInteractiveZoomTo |
Raises the InteractiveZoomTo event. |
OnKeyDown |
This member overrides Control.OnKeyDown. |
OnLostFocus |
Occurs when the control loses focus. |
OnMagnifyGlassChanged |
Raises the MagnifyGlassChanged event. |
OnMouseDown |
Occurs when the user presses a mouse button. |
OnMouseMove |
Occurs when the user moves the mouse over the control. |
OnMouseUp |
Occurs when the user releases a mouse button. |
OnPaint |
Overrides Control.OnPaint. |
OnPaintPropertiesChanged |
Raises the PaintPropertiesChanged event. |
OnPostImagePaint |
Raises the PostImagePaint event. |
OnPreImagePaint |
Raises the PreImagePaint event. |
OnReadBindingData |
Raises the ReadBindingData event. |
OnRedirectImagePaint |
Raises the RedirectImagePaint event. |
OnScaleFactorChanged |
Raises the ScaleFactorChanged event. |
OnScrollPositionChanged |
Raises the ScrollPositionChanged event. |
OnScrollViewer |
Raises the ScrollViewer event. |
OnSizeChanged |
Occurs when the size of the control has changed. |
OnSizeModeChanged |
Raises the SizeModeChanged event. |
OnSourceRectangleChanged |
Raises the SourceRectangleChanged event. |
OnTransformChanged |
Raises the TransformChanged event. |
OnUseDpiChanged |
Raises the UseDpiChanged event. |
OnVerticalAlignModeChanged |
Raises the VerticalAlignModeChanged event. |
OnWriteBindingData |
Raises the WriteBindingData event. |
WndProc |
Overrides Control.WndProc. |