public static RasterRegion ConvertFromGeometry(
Geometry geometry
The WPF source geometry. This parameter cannot be null (Nothing in VB).
The LEADTOOLS Leadtools.RasterRegion object this method creates. You must dispose this object after using it.
The LEADTOOLS Leadtools.RasterRegion class provides a platform independent representation of an area of interest in a Leadtools.RasterImage that can be used in any platform supported by LEADTOOLS such as GDI, GDI+, and WPF. Use this class To convert a LEADTOOLS Leadtools.RasterRegion object to/from a WPF System.Windows.Media.Geometry object.
For more information refer to RasterImage and WPF.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;
using Leadtools.Windows.Media;
public void RasterRegionConverterExample()
// Load an image
string srcFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp");
string dstFileName1 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1_Ellipse.jpg");
string dstFileName2 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1_EllipseTranslated.jpg");
RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
RasterImage image = codecs.Load(srcFileName);
// We will add an ellipse region to the image
// Using WPF, create an elliptical geometry
// Create the ellipse geometry to add to the Path
EllipseGeometry ellipseGeometry = new EllipseGeometry();
ellipseGeometry.Center = new Point(250, 250);
ellipseGeometry.RadiusX = 200;
ellipseGeometry.RadiusY = 150;
Geometry geometry = ellipseGeometry;
// Create a RasterRegion from this region
using (RasterRegion region = RasterRegionConverter.ConvertFromGeometry(geometry))
// Add this region to the image
image.SetRegion(null, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);
// Fill the image with a color
FillCommand cmd = new FillCommand(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Red));
// Save it
codecs.Save(image, dstFileName1, RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, 24);
// Now get the WPF geometry from the image
using (RasterRegion region = image.GetRegion(null))
geometry = RasterRegionConverter.ConvertToGeometry(region, null);
// Move the geometry 100 pixels to the right and bottom
geometry.Transform = new TranslateTransform(100, 100);
// Re-set it into the image, fill again and save
// Create a RasterRegion from this region
using (RasterRegion region = RasterRegionConverter.ConvertFromGeometry(geometry))
// Add this region to the image
image.SetRegion(null, region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set);
// Fill the image with a color
cmd = new FillCommand(RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.Yellow));
// Save it
codecs.Save(image, dstFileName2, RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, 24);
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";