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AspectRatio Property

Gets or sets aspect ratio of the shutter. This is a dependency property.
public double AspectRatio { get; set; } 
property double AspectRatio { 
   double get(); 
   void set (    double ); 

Property Value

The aspect ratio of the shutter. This value is multiplied by the Radius value to generate an elliptical shutter. Default value is 1.5.


This effect uses the Center, Radius and AspectRatio properties to construct the shutter area. The area outside the shutter are cleared using the color set in the ClearColor property.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing; 
using Leadtools.Windows.Controls; 
using Leadtools.Windows.Media; 
using Leadtools.Windows.Media.Effects; 
class CircularShutterEffectExampleWindow : Window 
   private ImageViewer theViewer; 
   public CircularShutterEffectExampleWindow() 
      StackPanel sp = new StackPanel(); 
      Content = sp; 
      theViewer = new ImageViewer(); 
      theViewer.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; 
      theViewer.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; 
      theViewer.ImageHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; 
      theViewer.ImageVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; 
      // Load an image into the viewer 
      theViewer.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(System.IO.Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Cannon.jpg"))); 
      Title = "CircularShutterEffect - Click and and move the mouse cursor on the image to see the effect"; 
      theViewer.PreviewMouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(theViewer_PreviewMouseDown); 
      theViewer.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(theViewer_MouseMove); 
      theViewer.MouseUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(theViewer_MouseUp); 
   private void theViewer_PreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
      CircularShutterEffect effect = new CircularShutterEffect(); 
      Point pos = e.GetPosition(theViewer); 
      BitmapSource source = theViewer.Source as BitmapSource; 
      if (source != null) 
         effect.Center = new Point( 
            (1.0 * pos.X) / source.PixelWidth, 
            (1.0 * pos.Y) / source.PixelHeight); 
         effect.Radius = 0.25; 
         effect.AspectRatio = 1.0; 
         effect.ClearColor = Colors.Blue; 
         theViewer.ImageEffect = effect; 
   private void theViewer_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
      CircularShutterEffect effect = theViewer.ImageEffect as CircularShutterEffect; 
      if (effect != null) 
         Point pos = e.GetPosition(theViewer); 
         BitmapSource source = theViewer.Source as BitmapSource; 
         if (source != null) 
            effect.Center = new Point( 
               (1.0 * pos.X) / source.PixelWidth, 
               (1.0 * pos.Y) / source.PixelHeight); 
   private void theViewer_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
      if (theViewer.ImageEffect != null) 
         theViewer.ImageEffect = null; 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images"; 

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Leadtools.Windows.Media.Effects Assembly
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