Video Conferencing: API

The Video Conferencing API is part of the LEADTOOLS Streaming Module, which adds onto the Multimedia SDK. For more information about the Multimedia Module, click here.

The following table describes the DLLs included in the Video Conferencing API.

Examples of the NetServer and NetClient functionality can be found in the following directories:


For a listing of examples and demos included with the toolkit, refer to DirectShow Example Programs and Demos for Win32/x64.

The "<LEADTOOLS_INSTALLDIR>" is the directory you specified during installation.

DLL Interface / CLSID Header Comments Help Files
LMNetMux2.DLL ILMNetMux - ILMNetMux2.h The Network Multiplexer filter multiplexes media in preparation to send Multimedia API Help
CLSID_LMNetMux it over a TCP/IP network. This filter theoretically accepts any DirectShow
media type.
The LEAD Network Multiplexer works in conjunction with the LEAD
Network Demultiplexer, LEAD Network Sink Filter, and LEAD Network
Source Filter to form a complete communication circle (Client-Server based).
LMNetSnk2.DLL ILMNetSnk - ILMNetSnk2.h The Network Sink filter is responsible for sending multiplexed media, Multimedia API Help
CLSID_LMNetSink output by the LEAD Network Multiplexer, over a TCP/IP network.
The LEAD Network Sink Filter works in conjunction with LEAD Network
Multiplexer, LEAD Network Source Filter, and LEAD Network
Demultiplexer to form a complete communication circle (Client-Server based).
LMNetSrc2.DLL ILMNetSrc - ILMNetSrc2.h The LEAD Network Source Filter receives stream data, sent by the LEAD Multimedia API Help
CLSID_LMNetSrc Network Sink Filter, on a TCP/IP network. It serves as a file reader filter in
a DirectShow filter graph.
The LEAD Network Source Filter works in conjunction with LEAD Network
Multiplexer, LEAD Network Sink Filter, and LEAD Network
Demultiplexer to form a complete communication circle (Client-Server based).
LMNetDmx2.DLL ILMNetDmx - ILMNetDmx2.h The Network Demultiplexer filter is responsible for splitting multiplexed Multimedia API Help
CLSID_LMNetDmx media, output from the LEAD Network Source. It serves as a splitter filter
in a DirectShow filter graph.
The LEAD Network Demultiplexer works in conjunction with LEAD
Network Multiplexer, LEAD Network Sink Filter, and LEAD Network
Source Filter to form a complete communication circle
(Client-Server based).
LMNetCon2.DLL None - N/A The LMNetProtocolManager is a helper COM object provided to enable Multimedia API Help
CLSID_LMNetProtocolManager the registration and unregistration of new protocol schemas, and
performs the actual connection work (for both sides).
LEncMPG42.DLL ILMMP4Encoder - ILEncMPEG4_2.h The LEAD MPEG-4 Encoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing video Filters Help
CLSID_LMMP4Encoder data using the MPEG-4 standard (ISO/IEC 14496-2). MPEG-4 is suitable
for a wide range of bandwidths from low bandwidth to broadband.
In addition to MP4 files, MPEG4 compressed video data can be
stored inside AVI or OGG files, with the option of saving the file
with or without the audio data.
LDecMPG42.DLL None - N/A The LEAD MPEG-4 Decoder is a DirectShow filter for decompressing Filters Help
CLSID_LMMP4Decoder Video data using the MPEG-4 standard (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
MPEG-4 is suitable for a wide range of bandwidths from
low bandwidth to broadband.
In addition to MP4 files, MPEG4 compressed video data can be
stored inside AVI or OGG files, with the option of saving the file
with or without the audio data.
LENCH2644.DLL ILMH264Encoder - ILEncH2644.h The LEAD H264 Encoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing and Filters Help
CLSID_LMH264Encoder decompressing video data using the H.264/AVC standard.
LDECH2643.DLL None - N/A The LEAD H264 Decoder is a DirectShow decoder that can decompress Filters Help
CLSID_ILMH264Decoder video compressed by any H264 codec.
LTranscoderH264.DLL None - N/A The LEAD H264 Transcoder is a DirectShow decoder that can convert Filters Help
CLSID_ILMH264Transcoder between various H264 formats without recompression.
LENCH265.DLL ILMH265Encoder ILEncH265.h The LEAD H265 Encoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing and Filters Help
CLSID_LMH265Encoder decompressing video data using the H.265/HEVC standard.
LDECH265.DLL None - N/A The LEAD H265 Decoder is a DirectShow decoder that can decompress Filters Help
CLSID_ILMH265Decoder video compressed by any H265 codec.
LTranscoderH265.DLL None - N/A The LEAD H265 Transcoder is a DirectShow decoder that can convert Filters Help
CLSID_ILMH265Transcoder between various H265 formats without recompression.
LCodc26D2.DLL ILMH263Encoder - ILEncH263_2.h The LEAD H263 Encoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing Filters Help
CLSID_LMH263Encoder video using H.263 compression.
CLSID_LMH263Encoder The LEAD H263 Decoder is a DirectShow filter for decoding files
with H263 video compression.
LCodcCMP2.DLL IMCMPEncoderOption - IMCMPCodec2.h The LEAD MCMP/MJPEG Codec Encoder is a DirectShow filter for Filters Help
CLSID_MCMPEncoder compressing video using MCMP and MJPEG compression.
CLSID_MCMPDecoder The LEAD MCMP/MJPEG Decoder is a DirectShow filter for decoding
files with MCMP/MJPEG video compression.
LEncTheora.DLL ILMTheoraEncoder - ILEncTheora.h The LEAD Theora Encoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing Filters Help
CLSID_LMTheoraEncoder video data using the Theora compression standard.
Theora is an open video codec developed by the foundation,
aimed at offering a patent-free alternative to MPEG-4.
LDecTheora.DLL None - N/A The LEAD Theora Decoder is a DirectShow decoder that can Filters Help
CLSID_TheoraDecoder decompress video compressed by any Theora codec.
LEncVP8.DLL ILMVP8Encoder - ILEncVP8.h The LEAD VP8 Encoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing video Filters Help
CLSID_LMVP8Encoder data using the VP8 compression standard.
VP8 is a video codec developed by the On2 (now owned by Google)
aimed at offering a patent-free alternative to H264.
LDecVP8.DLL None - N/A The LEAD VP8 Decoder is a DirectShow decoder that can decompress Filters Help
CLSID_VP8Decoder video compressed by any VP8 codec.
LEncAAC.DLL ILMAACEncoder - ILEncAAC.h The LEAD AAC Encoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing Filters Help
CLSID_LMAACEncoder audio data using the AAC compression standard (ISO/IEC 13818-7).
LDecAAC.DLL ILMAACDecoder - ILDecAAC.h The LEAD AAC Decoder is a DirectShow filter for decompressing . Filters Help
CLSID_LMAACDecoder audio data using the AAC compression standard (ISO/IEC 13818-7).
LEncAMR.DLL ILMAMREncoder - ILEncAMR.h The LEAD AMR Encoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing Filters Help
CLSID_LMAMREncoder audio data using the AMR compression standard.
LDecAMR.DLL ILMAMRDecoder - ILDecAMR.h The LEAD AMR Decoder is a DirectShow filter for decompressing Filters Help
CLSID_LMAMRDecoder audio data using the AMR compression standard.
LCodcG726.DLL ILMG726Encoder - ILCodcG726.h The LEAD G.726 Decoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing Filters Help
CLSID_LMG726Decoder audio data using the G.726 compression as defined in RFC 3551.
CLSID_LMG726Encoder The LEAD G.726 Encoder is a DirectShow filter for compressing
audio data using the G.726 compression.
LMISOMux.DLL ILMIsoMux - ILMIsoMux.h The LEAD ISO Multiplexer can be used to create files based on the Filters Help
CLSID_LMIsoMux ISO base file format described in ISO/IEC 14496-12.
LMISODmx.DLL None - N/A LEAD ISO Demultiplexer Filters Help
LMFLVMux.DLL None - N/A The LEAD FLV Multiplexer can be used to create Flash Filters Help
CLSID_LMFLVMux version 6 (FLV) files.
LMFLVDmx.DLL None - N/A LEAD FLV Demultiplexer Filters Help
LMMKVMux.DLL None - N/A The LEAD MKV Multiplexer can be used to create  Matroska (MKV) Filters Help
CLSID_LMMKVMux and WebM files.
LMMKVDmx.DLL None - N/A LEAD MKV Demultiplexer Filters Help
LMSsfWrt.DLL ILMSsfWrt, ILMSsfWrt.h LEAD SSF Writer Filters Help
ILMSsfWrtAudioStream  -

The LEADTOOLS C API provides low-level control for maximum flexibility.

For a complete list of the DirectShow filters, codecs and modules, please see the following topics:

Video Conferencing, Smooth Streaming And Windows Media Support

LEADTOOLS DirectShow Filters

DICOM DirectShow filters

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