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Medical3DCamera Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by Medical3DCamera.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor Medical3DCamera Initializes a new instance of the class Medical3DCamera with explicit parameters.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method ResetPosition Resets the camera position to the default state (0, 0, 0)
Public Method ResetRotation Resets the camera rotation to the default state (0, 0, 0).
Public Method Rotate Rotates the camera by a specific amount in the specified axis (axes).
Public Method RotateX Rotates the camera in the x-axis by the specified amount.
Public Method RotateY Rotates the camera in the y-axis by the specified amount.
Public Method RotateZ Rotates the camera in the z-axis by specified amount.
Public Method Translate Translates or moves the camera by the specified amount along the specified axis (axes).
Public Method TranslateX Translates or moves the camera in the x-axis by the specified amount.
Public Method TranslateY Translates or moves the camera in the y-axis by the specified amount.
Public Method TranslateZ Translates or moves the camera in the z-axis by the specified amount.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AxialRotation Gets or sets the Axial (Z) rotation angle of the camera.
Public Property Far Gets or sets the camera far clipping plane position.
Public Property Near Gets or sets the camera near clipping plane position.
Public Property ProjectionMethod Gets or sets the camera's projection method.
Public Property XOffset Gets or sets the camera's X offset.
Public Property XRotation Gets or sets the camera X rotation angle.
Public Property YOffset Gets or sets the camera Y offset.
Public Property YRotation Gets or sets the camera Y rotation angle.
Public Property ZOffset Gets or sets the camera Z offset.
Public Property Zoom Gets or sets the camera zoom value.

See Also

Medical3DCamera Class

Leadtools.Medical3D Namespace

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