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CancelInactiveDesigners Property

A value indicating whether any designers in an AnnAutomation are automatically canceled when the automation becomes inactive.
public bool CancelInactiveDesigners { get; set; } 
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL cancelInactiveDesigners; 
public boolean getCancelInactiveDesigners() 
public void setCancelInactiveDesigners(boolean cancelInactiveDesigners) 
   property bool CancelInactiveDesigners 
      bool get() 
      void set(bool value) 
CancelInactiveDesigners # get and set (AnnAutomationManager) 

Property Value

true to automatically cancel all designers in an AnnAutomation when the automation becomes inactive; otherwise, it is false. The default value is true.


When multiple AnnAutomation objects are used in an automation, use the AnnAutomation.Active property to set one of the automations as the active one. The active automation will then process all of the mouse, touch and keyboard events. The rest of the automations are in an inactive state and will not process any events.

When an automation becomes inactive, it can have designers that are still running (for example, an edit designer selecting an object). By setting the value of CancelInactiveDesigners to true, you can cancel (or abort) all of the designers in an inactive automation. This has the effect of causing all currently selected objects in the inactive automation to become de-selected.


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