public virtual void AttachContainer(
AnnContainer container,
AnnAutomationUndoRedoObject undoRedoObject
The annotation container to attach this automation to. This value cannot be null.
Optional undo/redo object that contains the internal data.
You can use this method to attach this AnnAutomation object to an existing container. This could be useful in a multipage annotation application for instance as shown in the example.
undoRedoObject must be either null or the value returned from GetUndoRedoObject that holds the data the previous time container was attached to this automation object.
This example will show how a multipage annotation application would use a single automation object to annotate multiple containers.
using Leadtools.Annotations.Automation;
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Controls;
using Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering;
using Leadtools.Annotations.WinForms;
public void AnnAutomation_AttachContainer()
// create a new annotation object
_automation = new AnnAutomation(_manager, _viewer);
AnnRedactionObject redaction = new AnnRedactionObject();
redaction.Rect = LeadRectD.Create(100, 100, 200, 200);
redaction.Fill = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("red");
for (int page = 1; page <= _viewer.Image.PageCount; page++)
//Invalidate the AnnAutomation
//Realize all AnnRedactionObjects
//Both firstRedaction and secondRedaction are burned to the image
//Select the first AnnRedactionObject
//Restore the image data that was previously redacted by firstRedaction
//The image data redacted by secondRedaction will remain redacted
// AnnAutomation Undo on properties just changed: CanCopy, CanDeleteObject, CanFlip, CanLock
// Create a new annotation container and attach
AnnContainer container = new AnnContainer();
// Size in annotation units (1/720 of an inch) and attaching container
container.Size = LeadSizeD.Create(8.5 * 720, 11 * 720);
AnnAutomationUndoRedoObject annAutomationUndoRedoObject = _automation.GetUndoRedoObject();
_automation.AttachContainer(container, annAutomationUndoRedoObject);
// List of available annotation objects
AnnAutomationManager annAutomationManager = _automation.Manager;
Debug.WriteLine($"\nList of Available Annotation Objects:\n");
foreach (var annAutoManagerObject in annAutomationManager.Objects)
Debug.WriteLine($"* {annAutoManagerObject.Name}");