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AnnContainer Class

Represents an annotation container.
public class AnnContainer 
@interface LTAnnContainer : NSObject<NSCopying, LTAnnPropertyChangedDelegate> 
public class AnnContainer 
   ref class AnnContainer 
class AnnContainer: 

The annotation container is a rectangular area that holds related annotation objects (AnnObject). In typical applications, the container holds the annotation objects for a page in a document. The size of the container is the same as the page but in annotation units (1/720 of an inch).

AnnContainer contains the following members:

Member Description

Size, Offset and PageNumber

Properties of the container: Size is the size of the container in annotation units (1/720 of an inch). Offset is an optional offset value (if the container does not start at 0,0) and PageNumber is the optional 1-based page number of the container


The object responsible for converting display, container and image coordinates


A collection of AnnObjects. These are the annotation objects that belong in this container. These objects will be rendered when the container is rendered and edited when the container is automated


Special annotation object that is responsible for maintaining a list of the objects that are currently selected in the container


A collection of AnnLayers used to logically group common annotation objects.

HitTestPoint, HitTestRect and HitTestBehavior

Helper method used to perform hit-testing on the container and return any object under a test point or rectangle

IsVisible, Stroke and Fill

Optional values used when rendering this container: Whether it is visible and the border stroke and interior filling options


Optional value indicating whether this container is enabled. If a container is disabled, then it will be used by the automation and considered read-only.


Optional labels that can be used to overlay fixed text on top of the container, such as map legends


Method to easily resize a container to a desired size. Has various options


This example creates a new container, adds a line and a rectangle object to it, saves it and then loads it back.

using Leadtools.Annotations.Automation; 
using Leadtools.Annotations.Engine; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Annotations.WinForms; 
public void AnnContainer_AnnContainer() 
   double inch = 720.0; 
   // Create a new annotation container, 8.5 by 11 inches 
   AnnContainer container = new AnnContainer(); 
   // Size must be in annotation units (1/720 of an inch) 
   container.Size = LeadSizeD.Create(8.5 * inch, 11 * inch); 
   //Change Offset position 
   container.Offset = new LeadPointD(10, 10); 
   // Add a red line object, from 1in 1in to 2in 2in 
   AnnPolylineObject lineObj = new AnnPolylineObject(); 
   lineObj.Points.Add(LeadPointD.Create(1 * inch, 1 * inch)); 
   lineObj.Points.Add(LeadPointD.Create(2 * inch, 2 * inch)); 
   lineObj.Stroke = AnnStroke.Create(AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("Red"), LeadLengthD.Create(1)); 
   // Add a blue on yellow rectangle from 3in 3in to 4in 4in 
   AnnRectangleObject rectObj = new AnnRectangleObject(); 
   rectObj.Rect = LeadRectD.Create(3 * inch, 3 * inch, 1 * inch, 1 * inch); 
   rectObj.Stroke = AnnStroke.Create(AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("Blue"), LeadLengthD.Create(1)); 
   rectObj.Fill = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("Yellow"); 
   // Show the container 
   ShowContainer("Before save", container); 
   // Create the codecs object to save and load annotations 
   AnnCodecs codecs = new AnnCodecs(); 
   // Save the container 
   string destFileName = @"container.xml"; 
   codecs.Save(destFileName, container, AnnFormat.Annotations, 1); 
   // delete the container 
   container = null; 
   // Show information about the data we just saved 
   AnnCodecsInfo info = codecs.GetInfo(destFileName); 
   string message; 
   if (info.Format == AnnFormat.Annotations) 
      message = "Version: "; 
      message += info.Version; 
      message += " No. of pages: "; 
      message += info.Pages.Length; 
      message += " page nos: "; 
      for (int i = 0; i < info.Pages.Length; i++) 
         message += info.Pages[i] + " "; 
      message = "Invalid annotations data"; 
   // Load the container we just saved 
   container = codecs.Load(destFileName, 1); 
   // Show it 
   ShowContainer("After load", container); 
private void ShowContainer(String message, AnnContainer container) 
   string str = message + "\nContainer size: "; 
   // Add the size 
   double inch = 720; 
   double width = container.Size.Width / inch; 
   double height = container.Size.Height / inch; 
   str += width + " by " + height + " inches" + "\n"; 
   // Add the objects 
   str += "Contains " + container.Children.Count + " objects(s)\n"; 
   for (int i = 0; i < container.Children.Count; i++) 
      AnnObject annObj = container.Children[i]; 
      str += "Object: " + annObj.FriendlyName + " at "; 
      for (int j = 0; j < annObj.Points.Count; j++) 
         LeadPointD pt = annObj.Points[j]; 
         double x = pt.X / inch; 
         double y = pt.Y / inch; 
         str += "(" + x + ", " + y + ") "; 
      str += "\n"; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import org.junit.*; 
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; 
import org.junit.runner.Result; 
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; 
import static org.junit.Assert.*; 
import leadtools.*; 
import leadtools.annotations.engine.*; 
public void annContainerExample() { 
   final double inch = 720.0; 
   // create a new annotation container, 8.5 by 11 inches 
   AnnContainer container = new AnnContainer(); 
   // Size must be in annotation units (1/720 of an inch) 
   container.setSize(LeadSizeD.create(8.5 * inch, 11 * inch)); 
   // Change Offset position 
   container.setOffset(new LeadPointD(10, 10)); 
   // Add a red line object, from 1in 1in to 2in 2in 
   AnnPolylineObject lineObj = new AnnPolylineObject(); 
   lineObj.getPoints().add(LeadPointD.create(1 * inch, 1 * inch)); 
   lineObj.getPoints().add(LeadPointD.create(2 * inch, 2 * inch)); 
   lineObj.setStroke(AnnStroke.create(AnnSolidColorBrush.create("Red"), LeadLengthD.create(1))); 
   // Add a blue on yellow rectangle from 3in 3in to 4in 4in 
   AnnRectangleObject rectObj = new AnnRectangleObject(); 
   rectObj.setRect(LeadRectD.create(3 * inch, 3 * inch, 1 * inch, 1 * inch)); 
   rectObj.setStroke(AnnStroke.create(AnnSolidColorBrush.create("Blue"), LeadLengthD.create(1))); 
   // Show the container 
   showContainer("Before save", container); 
   // create the codecs object to save and load annotations 
   AnnCodecs codecs = new AnnCodecs(); 
   // Save the container 
   var xmlData = codecs.save(container, AnnFormat.ANNOTATIONS, null, 1); 
   // delete the container 
   container = null; 
   // Show information about the data we just saved 
   AnnCodecsInfo info = codecs.getInfo(xmlData); 
   String message; 
   if (info.getFormat() == AnnFormat.ANNOTATIONS) { 
      message = "Version: "; 
      message += info.getVersion(); 
      message += " No. of pages: "; 
      message += info.getPages().length; 
      message += " page nos: "; 
      for (int i = 0; i < info.getPages().length; i++) { 
         message += info.getPages()[i] + " "; 
   } else { 
      message = "Invalid annotations data"; 
   // Load the container we just saved 
   container = codecs.load(xmlData, 1); 
   // Show it 
   showContainer("After load", container); 
private void showContainer(String message, AnnContainer container) { 
   String str = message + "\nContainer size: "; 
   // Add the size 
   double inch = 720; 
   double width = container.getSize().getWidth() / inch; 
   double height = container.getSize().getHeight() / inch; 
   str += width + " by " + height + " inches" + "\n"; 
   // Add the objects 
   str += "Contains " + container.getChildren().size() + " objects(s)\n"; 
   for (int i = 0; i < container.getChildren().size(); i++) { 
      AnnObject annObj = container.getChildren().get(i); 
      str += "Object: " + annObj.getFriendlyName() + " at "; 
      for (int j = 0; j < annObj.getPoints().size(); j++) { 
         LeadPointD pt = annObj.getPoints().get(j); 
         double x = pt.getX() / inch; 
         double y = pt.getY() / inch; 
         str += "(" + x + ", " + y + ") "; 
      str += "\n"; 
   var exists = str; 
   assertTrue(exists, true); 

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