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AnnStickyNoteObject Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnStickyNoteObject.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor AnnStickyNoteObject Initializes a new AnnStickyNoteObject class object.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
Protected Constructor AnnObject Initializes a new instance of this class. (Inherited from AnnObject)

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnStickyNoteObject object.
Public Method ConvertToRegion Converts the AnnObject to a region using the specified fill mode. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method static  | Shared in VB DateFromString Converts a string value to a date time. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method static  | Shared in VB DateToString Converts a date time to a string. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method Deserialize Loads this object with data from the specified XML.
Public Method GetArea Returns the pixel count of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method GetAreaInPixels Returns the pixel count of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method GetInvalidateRect Gets a Leadtools.LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnObject.
Public Method HitTest Performs hit-testing on this AnnStickyNoteObject.
Public Method Lock Locks this AnnObject with the specified password. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method OnPropertyChanged Raises the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method Rotate Rotates the AnnObject around a point. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method Scale Scales the AnnObject by the specified ratios.
Public Method ScaleVector Scales the AnnStickyNoteObject by the specified ratios, unit vector and center point.
Public Method Serialize Serializes the object to an XML document.
Public Method SetId Sets the ID of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method Translate Translates the AnnObject by the specified values. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Method Unlock Unlocks this AnnObject with the specified password. (Inherited from AnnObject)

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Create Creates a new instance of AnnStickyNoteObject.
Protected Method GetBoundingRectangle Gets the bounding rectangle for this AnnStickyNoteObject.
Protected Method OnPointsChanged Occurs when the Points for this AnnObject have changed. (Inherited from AnnObject)

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property BorderStyle The shape of the AnnObject boundary. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Bounds Gets a Leadtools.LeadRectD object that indicates the bounds of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property CanRotate Indicates if this object supports rotation.
Public Property ContentPicture Gets or sets the id of the picture used when drawing the content of this object. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property DefaultPicture Gets or sets the id of the default picture used for the AnnStickyNoteObject.
Public Property Fill Gets or sets the AnnBrush associated with this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property FixedStateOperations Gets or sets the fixed state for this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Font Gets or sets the AnnFont used associated with this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property FriendlyName Gets the friendly name for AnnStickyNoteObject.
Public Property GroupName For future use. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Guid The GUID associated with this annotation object. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property HitTestInterior Indicates if this AnnStickyNoteObject supports hit testing of its interior.
Public Property Hyperlink Gets or sets a string which represents the hyperlink for this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Id Gets the ID of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property IsLocked Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnObject is locked. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property IsSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether the object is selected. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property IsVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the object is visible. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Labels Gets a dictionary of AnnLabel objects used by this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Layer Get the optional layer that contain this object. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property LockPicture Gets or sets the id of the picture used when drawing the locked symbol for locked objects. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Mapper Gets or sets the mapper for this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Metadata Gets the metadata associated with this object. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Opacity Gets or sets a value indicating the opacity value to use when rendering this object. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Password Gets or sets the password used in the last successful lock operation of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Picture Gets or sets the AnnPicture object associated with this AnnStickyNoteObject.
Public Property Points Gets the collection of Leadtools.LeadPointD objects that define this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property RenderedObjectBounds The bounding rectangle of the object as it was last rendered. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Reviews Gets the items that can be used to add review comments and replies to this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property RotateCenter Gets or sets the location of the rotate center control point. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property RotateGripper Gets or sets the length of the rotate gripper control point. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property SelectionStroke Gets or sets the stroke to use when drawing the frame of this object. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property StateId Gets or sets the optional state ID of this object to be used with state rendering engines. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property Stroke Gets or sets the AnnStroke associated with this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property SupportsBorderStyle Indicates whether AnnStickyNoteObject supports a border style.
Public Property SupportsContent Indicates if this object supports content. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property SupportsFill Indicates if this object supports AnnBrush.
Public Property SupportsFont Indicates if this object supports AnnFont.
Public Property SupportsOpacity Indicates if this object supports an opacity. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property SupportsSelectionStroke Indicates if this object supports a selection stroke.
Public Property SupportsStroke Indicates if this object supports AnnStroke.
Public Property Tag Gets or sets a user-defined data object that is associated with this object. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Property UserId Gets or sets the user ID of this AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from AnnObject)

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field AudioObjectId Returns the ID for an "audio" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field AuthorMetadataKey Author metadata key. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field ButtonObjectId Specifies the ID for a "button" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field ClosedCurveObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnCurveObject that is a closed figure. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field ContentMetadataKey Content metadata key. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field CreatedMetadataKey Created metadata key. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field CrossProductObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnCrossProductObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field CurveObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnCurveObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field EllipseObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnEllipseObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field EncryptObjectId Returns the ID for an "encrypt" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field FreehandHotspotObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnFreehandHotspotObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field FreehandObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject that is drawn freehand style. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field GroupObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnGroupObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field HiliteObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnHiliteObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field HotspotObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnHotspotObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field ImageObjectId Returns the ID for an AnnImageObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field LineObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject that has a single line. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field MediaObjectId Returns the ID for a "media" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field ModifiedMetadataKey Modified metadata key. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field None Specifies the ID for no annotation object. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field NoteObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnNoteObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field PointerObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field PointObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnPointObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field PolygonObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject that is a closed figure. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field PolylineObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnPolylineObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field PolyRulerObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnPolyRulerObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field ProtractorObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnProtractorObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field RectangleObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnRectangleObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field RedactionObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnRedactionObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field RichTextObjectId Returns the ID for a "rich text" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field RubberStampObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnRubberStampObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field RulerObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnPolyRulerObject that has a single ruler. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field SelectObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnSelectionObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field StampObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnStampObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field StickyNoteObjectId Returns the ID for an AnnStickyNoteObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field SubjectMetadataKey Subject metadata key. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field TextHiliteObjectId Returns the ID for an AnnTextHiliteObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field TextObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnTextObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field TextPointerObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnTextPointerObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field TextRedactionObjectId Returns the ID for an AnnTextRedactionObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field TextRollupObjectId Specifies the ID for an AnnTextRollupObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field TextStrikeoutObjectId Returns the ID for an AnnTextStrikeoutObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field TextUnderlineObjectId Returns the ID for an AnnTextUnderlineObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field TitleMetadataKey Title metadata key. (Inherited from AnnObject)
Public Field UserObjectId Specifies the ID for a user defined AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnObject)

See Also

AnnStickyNoteObject Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Engine Namespace

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