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ModalityWorklistResult Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see ModalityWorklistResult members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AccessionNumber Gets or sets the accession number.
Public Property AdditionalPatientHistory Gets or sets the additional patient history.
Public Property AdmissionId Gets or sets the admission id.
Public Property ConfidentialityContstraint Gets or sets the confidentiality constraint.
Public Property ContrastAllergies Gets or sets the contrast allergies.
Public Property CurrentPatientLocation Gets or sets the current patient location.
Public Property EthnicGroup Gets or sets the ethnic group.
Public Property ImagingServiceRequestComments Gets or sets the imaging service request comments.
Public Property MedicalAlerts Gets or sets the medical alerts.
Public Property NamesOfIntendedRecipients Gets or sets the names of intended recipients.
Public Property OtherPatientIds Gets or sets the other patient IDs.
Public Property PatientBirthDate Gets or sets the patient birth date.
Public Property PatientComments Gets or sets the patient comments.
Public Property PatientId Gets or sets the patient ID.
Public Property PatientName Gets or sets the name of the patient.
Public Property PatientSex Gets or sets the patient sex.
Public Property PatientState Gets or sets the state of the patient.
Public Property PatientWeight Gets or sets the patient weight.
Public Property PregnancyStatus Gets or sets the pregnancy status.
Public Property ReferencedPatientSequence Gets or sets the referenced patient sequence.
Public Property ReferencedStudySequence Gets or sets the referenced study sequence.
Public Property ReferringPysician Gets or sets the referring physician name.
Public Property RequestedProcedureCodeSequence Gets or sets the requested procedure code sequence.
Public Property RequestedProcedureDescription Gets or sets the requested procedure description.
Public Property RequestedProcedureId Gets or sets the requested procedure ID.
Public Property RequestingPhysician Gets or sets the requesting physician.
Public Property RequestingService Gets or sets the requesting service.
Public Property ScheduledProcedureStepSequence Gets or sets the scheduled procedure step sequence.
Public Property SpecialNeeds Gets or sets the special needs.
Public Property StudyInstanceUid Gets or sets the study instance UID.
Public Property Tag Gets or sets the object that contains data about the class.

See Also

ModalityWorklistResult Class

Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Anonymization Namespace

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