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AnnEditDesigner Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnEditDesigner members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property isModified Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this object has been modified.
Public Property maintainAspectRatio Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve the aspect ratio when moving a corner thumb.
Public Property moveThumbIndex Gets the index of the current thumb being moved.
Public Property operation Gets a value that indicates which edit operation is currently being performed.
Public Property rotateModifierKey Gets or sets a value indicating the current auto-rotate modifier key.
Public Property showThumbs Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the thumbs.
Public Property thumbsEnabled Enables hit-testing and invoking the default behavior when the user clicks and drags the control point thumbs of this edit designer.
Public Property thumbsHitTestBuffer Gets or sets the hit test buffer to use for the thumbs of this AnnEditDesigner.
Public Property useRotateThumbs Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the rotate thumbs of this AnnEditDesigner.
Public Property workingBuffer Gets or sets the buffer to use for determining how far an OnPointerMove is from the previous OnPointerMove to beconsidered a legitimate move operation by the user and not an error due to sensitivity.

See Also

AnnEditDesigner Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Namespace

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Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Assembly
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