For pointers to sample programs that demonstrate many features, see the table below:
JS File/Namespace | Comments |
Leadtools.Annotations.Designers.js - Leadtools.Anotations.Designers | The Leadtools.Annotations.Designers namespace contains classes for building edit mode and run mode designers for annotation objects. |
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Description |
LEADTOOLS JavaScript Annotations Library | \Examples\Annotation\JS\DemoLibraries\Annotations.JavaScript | NodeJS package used to generate the JS file containing TypeScript annotations classes and objects used in the LEADTOOLS demos.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Description |
LEADTOOLS JavaScript User Medical Pack Annotations Library | \Examples\Annotation\JS\DemoLibraries\Annotations.UserMedicalPack | Creates the TypeScript library that contains User Medical Pack annotations objects, along with their designers and renders.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Description |
LEADTOOLS Demos Annotations Library | \Examples\Annotation\JS\DemoLibraries\Demos.Annotations | Provides the TypeScript annotations classes and objects used by the LEADTOOLS JavaScript demos.
Demo Name | Source Code Path | Description |
Annotations | \Examples\Annotation\JS\AnnotationsDemo | Demonstrates Annotations (image markup) functionality. Annotation objects: Rectangle, Ellipse, Hilite, Line, Redact, Text, Ruler, Protractor, CrossProduct, Image, TextPointer, Point, Curve, Point, Polygon, Polyline |