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DocumentPrintPageData Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see DocumentPrintPageData members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property action Determines how the page data will be prepared.
Public Property annotationsElement The HTMLElement to be used in printing the page annotations.
Public Property boundsInViewport The position and size of the document page when PrintDocumentOptions.UseViewportLayout is true.
Public Property documentPage The DocumentPage to be printed.
Public Property pageElement The HTMLElement to be used in printing the page.
Public Property printSize The size of this page for printing, in pixels.
Public Property printSizeDpi The size of the image on this page for printing, in pixels.
Public Property relativeClip The portion of the printed page image data that will be rendered when PrintDocumentOptions.ViewportClip is not LeadRectD.Empty.
Public Property rotate Indicates whether the page elements will be rotated when printed.
Public Property size The size of the document page in pixels.

See Also

DocumentPrintPageData Class

Leadtools.Document.Viewer Namespace

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