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DocumentViewer Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see DocumentViewer members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method beginUpdate Stops the viewer from updating its parts and rendering the content if the document changes.
Public Method disablePages Marks the specified pages as disabled.
Public Method dispose Releases all resources used by the DocumentViewer and deletes the object.
Public Method enablePages Marks the specified pages as enabled.
Public Method enablePDFRenderingForPages Enables or disables client-side PDF rendering for a range of pages.
Public Method endUpdate Instruct the viewer that updates are completed and rendering of the content can be resumed.
Public Method getCurrentViewOptions Gets the current view options of this DocumentViewer.
Public Method getPDFRenderingObject Gets the internal PDF renderer object being used to render the pages of the specified document.
Public Method gotoBookmark Invokes the target of the specified document bookmark.
Public Method gotoPage Goes to the specified page.
Public Method isPDFRenderingForPageEnabled Determines whether client-side PDF rendering is enabled for a page.
Public Method onOperation Raises the Operation event.
Public Method openBrowserPrint Opens the browser's native print dialog with the provided print elements and styles.
Public Method prepareToSave Prepares this document for saving.
Public Method print Prints the document set in the viewer with the provided options.
Public Method rotatePages Rotates one or more pages with the specified value.
Public Method runLinkTarget Invokes the specified document link target.
Public Method setDocument Sets a new document in the viewer.

See Also

DocumentViewer Class

Leadtools.Document.Viewer Namespace

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Leadtools.Document.Viewer Assembly
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