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LEADWorkbook Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see LEADWorkbook members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method CreateCellStyle Creates and returns a new CellStyle object, allowing for the customization of cell appearance within the workbook.
Public Method CreateFont Creates a new Font object with specified attributes, allowing for detailed customization of text appearance in the workbook.Provides the ability to define fonts with specific names, sizes, styles, and colors, which can then be applied to cell styles.
Public Method CreateHyperlink Creates a new Hyperlink object with a specified address and tooltip, enabling the addition of interactive links to the Excel workbook. Allows for embedding clickable hyperlinks within spreadsheet cells to direct users to external resources, other documents, or locations within the same workbook.
Public Method CreateSheet Creates and adds a new sheet to the Excel workbook with the specified name.Allows for the dynamic expansion of the workbook by adding additional sheets.
Public Method ExportWorkbook Exports the current state of the workbook to a file.
Public Method GetSheet Retrieves a sheet from the Excel workbook based on the specified name.
Public Method GetSheetAt Retrieves a sheet from the Excel workbook by its index. Provides access to a sheet based on its position within the workbook.
Public Method IsSheetHidden Determines whether a specified sheet within the Excel workbook is hidden. This method checks the visibility state of a sheet by its name.
Public Method RemoveSheet Removes a sheet from the Excel workbook by name. Allows for the deletion of a specified sheet within the workbook, facilitating dynamic management of the workbook's content and structure.
Public Method RemoveSheetAt Removes a sheet from the Excel workbook by its index.
Public Method SetSheetHidden Modifies the visibility of a specified sheet within the Excel workbook. Allows for programmatically hiding or showing sheets.

See Also

LEADWorkbook Class

Leadtools.Document.SheetEditor Namespace

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