TextWrap Enumeration


Defines the text wrapping behavior for cells within an Excel sheet.


lt.Document.SheetEditor.TextWrap = { 
	auto: 0, 
	overflow: 1, 
	wrap: 2, 
	clip: 3 
lt.Document.SheetEditor.TextWrap = { 
	auto: 0, 
	overflow: 1, 
	wrap: 2, 
	clip: 3 


Value Name Description
0 auto Text wrapping is automatically determined based on the cell's content and width. Text may overflow into adjacent cells if they are empty.
1 overflow Allows text to overflow into adjacent cells if it exceeds the cell width and those cells are empty. If adjacent cells contain data, the text is clipped at the cell boundary.
2 wrap Wraps text within the cell boundaries, expanding the cell height as needed to accommodate the wrapped text.
3 clip Clips text to the cell boundaries, hiding any content that exceeds the width of the cell without altering the cell's size.


Target Platforms

See Also

Leadtools.Document.SheetEditor Namespace

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