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Leadtools.Medical.WebViewer.ExternalControl Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Medical WebViewer ExternalControl classes.


Class Description
Class HeartBeatEventArgs Contains data for the MedicalWebViewerExternalController.HeartBeatEvent event.
Class InstanceInfo Provides information about a particular instance.
Class LogoutEventArgs Contains data for the MedicalWebViewerExternalController.LogoutEvent event.
Class MedicalWebViewerExternalController The class used to control the MedicalWebViewer from a .NET application.
Class PatientInfo The PatientInfo class contains information about a patient.
Class Permission The Permission class contains information describing a permission.
Class Role The Role class contains information describing a role.
Class SeriesInfo The SeriesInfo class contains information about a series.
Class CustomTuple<T1,T2> Provides a data structure of tuple, which has a 2 elements.
Class StudyInfo The StudyInfo class contains information about a study.
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Leadtools.Medical.WebViewer.ExternalControl Assembly
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