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MedicalWebViewerExternalController Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by MedicalWebViewerExternalController.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor MedicalWebViewerExternalController Initializes a new instance of MedicalWebViewerExternalController with the specified string webViewerURL

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddPatient Adds the specified patient to the viewer.
Public Method CloseApplication Logs out of the MedicalWebViewer and closes the browser.
Public Method CreateUser Creates or updates a user for the viewer.
Public Method DeletePatient Deletes the specified patient from the viewer.
Public Method DeleteUser Deletes the specified user from the viewer.
Public Method FindInstances Finds all instances that match the specified search criteria.
Public Method FindPatient Finds all patients that match the specified search criteria.
Public Method FindSeries Finds all series that match the specified search criteria.
Public Method FindStudies Finds all studies that match the specified search criteria.
Public Method GetCurrentPatient Gets the information about the current patient in the viewer.
Public Method GetImage Returns the URL of the image with the specified SOP Instance UID.
Public Method GetPermissions Returns the list of all available permissions for the medical web viewer.
Public Method GetRoles Returns the list of all available roles for the medical web viewer.
Public Method GetUserPermissions Returns the list of permissions for a single medical web viewer.
Public Method GetUserRoles Returns the list of roles for a single medical web viewer.
Public Method GetUsers Returns the list of medical web viewer users.
Public Method InitApplication Starts the CommandQueue web service which the MedicalWebViewer will poll for commands once launched.
Public Method PatientAvailable Queries if the patient specified by patientID exists.
Public Method SetDefOption Sets users default option's value for the Medical web viewer.If the name/value of the option specified already exists, it will be overwritten by the new value.
Public Method SetUserOption Sets the currently logged in user option's value for the Medical web viewer.If the name/value of the option specified already exists, it will be overwritten by the new value.
Public Method ShowInstance Displays the instances specified by sopInstanceUid in the medical web viewer.
Public Method ShowPatient Displays the most recent series for the specified patientID.
Public Method ShowSeries Shows the available series for the specified Series Instance UID in the viewer.
Public Method ShowStudy Shows the available studies for the specified patient and study in the viewer.
Public Method Shutdown Shuts down the CommandQueue web service.
Public Method UpdatePatient Updates the current patient in the viewer with the new information.
Public Method UserLogin Logs on to the MedicalWebViewer and launches it using the browser specified in the SelectedBrowser property.
Public Method UserLogout Logs out of the MedicalViewer and returns to the Login page.
Public Method WaitForIdle Blocks web service requests until "Idle" state is reached.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AspService Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the application should connect to the ASP medical service or not. Set this property to false to connect to classic WCF medical service.
Public Property FailureMessage Gets or sets the Failure Message string.
Public Property IsStarted Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the application has been started. This property returns true if InitApplication has been called. If InitApplication has not been called or ShutDown was called this property will return false.
Public Property MedWebViewerURI Holds the URI for the MedicalWebViewer for accessing the web service.
Public Property RefreshNeeded Indicates whether a timeout event has triggered and that a refresh of the connection needs to occur.
Public Property SelectedBrowser Gets or sets the browser to be launched.
Public Property Timeout This property specifies how long to wait after issuing a command before timing out.
Public Property UserWebBrowser Defines the callback that is called to launch a user specific browser.
Public Property ViewerURL Gets or sets the current ViewerURL.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event HeartBeatEvent This event is fired every second or so to indicate that the MedicalWebViewerExternalController is communicating with the browser.
Public Event LogoutEvent This event is fired after a successful call to MedicalWebViewerExternalController-UserLogout.

See Also

MedicalWebViewerExternalController Class

Leadtools.Medical.WebViewer.ExternalControl Namespace

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Leadtools.Medical.WebViewer.ExternalControl Assembly
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