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VerifyingObserverSequenceRow Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method IsVerificationDateTimeNull Determines whether the VerificationDateTimeColumn column is null for this row.
Public Method IsVerifyingObserverFamilyNameNull Determines whether the VerifyingObserverFamilyNameColumn column is null for this row.
Public Method IsVerifyingObserverGivenNameNull Determines whether the VerifyingObserverGivenNameColumn column is null for this row.
Public Method IsVerifyingObserverMiddleNameNull Determines whether the VerifyingObserverMiddleNameColumn column is null for this row.
Public Method IsVerifyingObserverNamePrefixNull Determines whether the VerifyingObserverNamePrefixColumn column is null for this row.
Public Method IsVerifyingObserverNameSuffixNull Determines whether the VerifyingObserverNameSuffixColumn column is null for this row.
Public Method IsVerifyingOrganizationNull Determines whether the VerifyingOrganizationColumn column is null for this row.
Public Method SetVerificationDateTimeNull Sets the verification date time column ([VerificationDateTimeColumn]) to null.
Public Method SetVerifyingObserverFamilyNameNull Sets the verifying observer family name column ([VerifyingObserverFamilyNameColumn]) to null.
Public Method SetVerifyingObserverGivenNameNull Sets the verifying observer given name column ([VerifyingObserverGivenNameColumn]) to null.
Public Method SetVerifyingObserverMiddleNameNull Sets the verifying observer middle name column ([VerifyingObserverMiddleNameColumn]) to null.
Public Method SetVerifyingObserverNamePrefixNull Sets the verifying observer prefix name column ([VerifyingObserverNamePrefixColumn]) to null.
Public Method SetVerifyingObserverNameSuffixNull Sets the verifying observer suffix name column ([VerifyingObserverNameSuffixColumn]) to null.
Public Method SetVerifyingOrganizationNull Sets the verifying organization column ([VerifyingOrganizationColumn]) to null.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AutoNumber Gets or sets the auto number.
Public Property InstanceRow Gets or sets the parent InstanceRow for this VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.
Public Property SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the SOP instance UID of the DICOM instance referenced by the VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.
Public Property VerificationDateTime Gets or sets the verification date and time of the DICOM instance referenced by the VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.
Public Property VerifyingObserverFamilyName Gets or sets the verifying observer family name of the DICOM instance referenced by the VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.
Public Property VerifyingObserverGivenName Gets or sets the verifying observer given name of the DICOM instance referenced by the VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.
Public Property VerifyingObserverMiddleName Gets or sets the verifying observer middle name of the DICOM instance referenced by the VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.
Public Property VerifyingObserverNamePrefix Gets or sets the verifying observer name prefix of the DICOM instance referenced by the VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.
Public Property VerifyingObserverNameSuffix Gets or sets the verifying observer name suffix of the DICOM instance referenced by the VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.
Public Property VerifyingOrganization Gets or sets the verifying organization of the DICOM instance referenced by the VerifyingObserverSequenceRow.

See Also

VerifyingObserverSequenceRow Class

Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace

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