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GetCountMetadataJson Method


Returns the count of existing, missing, or all JSON metadata records in a database.

public int GetCountMetadataJson( 
   MetadataScope scope 
   Int32 GetCountMetadataJson( 
      MetadataScope^ scope 



An enumeration that specifies if the count is for existing, missing, or all JSON metadata records.

Return Value

The count of existing, missing, or all JSON metadata records in a database.


The database contains

  • Instance table that stores the SOP Instance UIDs (0008,0018) of all instances
  • MetadataJson table that stores JSON metadata for all instances
  • MetadataXml table that stores XML metadata for all instances

  • If scope is MetadataScope.All then GetCountMetadataJson returns the count of instances in the Instance table.

  • If scope is MetadataScope.Existing then GetCountMetadataJson returns (count of instances in the MetadataJson table).

  • If scope is MetadataScope.Missing then GetCountMetadataJson returns (count of instances in the Instance table) minus (count of instances in the MetadataJson table).

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Extensions; 
using Leadtools.DicomDemos; 
using Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer; 
using Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer; 
using Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer.Configuration; 
public static IStorageDataAccessAgent4 GetStorageDataAccessAgent4() 
   // Before running this sample, follow these steps: 
   // 1. Run CSPacsDatabaseConfigurationDemo.exe to create the databases 
   // 2. Run CSPACSConfigDemo.exe to create the DICOM services 
   // 3. Set 'serviceDirectory' to the DICOM service folder 
   string serviceDirectory = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Bin\Dotnet4\x64\L22_PACS_SCP64"; 
   string productName = "StorageServer"; 
   string serviceName = "L22_PACS_SCP64"; 
   System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = DicomDemoSettingsManager.GetGlobalPacsAddinsConfiguration(serviceDirectory); 
   StorageDataAccessConfigurationView view = new StorageDataAccessConfigurationView(configuration, productName, serviceName); 
   IStorageDataAccessAgent4 agent = DataAccessFactory.GetInstance(view).CreateDataAccessAgent<IStorageDataAccessAgent4>(); 
   return agent; 
// Stores a DICOM file to the database 
// Stores XML and JSON metadata 
// returns the SOPInstanceUID 
public static string StoreDicomAndMetadataToDatabase(string dicomFileName, IStorageDataAccessAgent4 agent) 
   DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet(); 
   ds.Load(dicomFileName, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None); 
   DicomElement element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID, true); 
   string sopInstanceUid = ds.GetStringValue(element, 0); 
   agent.StoreDicom(ds, dicomFileName, "DemoAE", null, true, true, true, true); 
   // You can store XML and JSON data with separate calls 
   agent.StoreMetadataXml(ds, sopInstanceUid, DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags.IgnoreBinaryData, true); 
   agent.StoreMetadataJson(ds, sopInstanceUid, DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags.IgnoreBinaryData, true); 
   // Or you can generate both XML and JSON data with a single method 
   MetadataOptions options = new MetadataOptions(); 
   options.SaveJsonFlags = DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags.IgnoreBinaryData; 
   options.SaveXmlFlags = DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags.IgnoreBinaryData; 
   options.StoreJson = true; 
   options.StoreXml = true; 
   agent.StoreMetadata(ds, sopInstanceUid, options, true); 
   return sopInstanceUid; 
public static void DicomMetadataSample() 
   IStorageDataAccessAgent4 agent = GetStorageDataAccessAgent4(); 
   // Delete all existing metadata 
   // Add two DICOM files, and generate the XML and JSON metadata for each 
   string sopInstanceUid2 = StoreDicomAndMetadataToDatabase(@"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\DICOM\image2.dcm", agent); 
   string sopInstanceUid3 = StoreDicomAndMetadataToDatabase(@"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images\DICOM\image3.dcm", agent); 
   // Verify the metadata exists for sopInstanceUid2 
   bool exists = agent.ExistsMetadataXml(sopInstanceUid2); 
   exists = agent.ExistsMetadataJson(sopInstanceUid2); 
   // Get the total possible XML metadata count -- this is the count of all DICOM instances 
   int xmlMetadataCount = agent.GetCountMetadataXml(MetadataScope.All); 
   Debug.WriteLine("XML MetadataCount: {0}", xmlMetadataCount); 
   // Get the existing count of XML metadata records 
   int xmlMetadataExistingCount = agent.GetCountMetadataXml(MetadataScope.Existing); 
   Debug.WriteLine("XML Existing MetadataCount: {0}", xmlMetadataExistingCount); 
   // Get the missing count of XML metadata records 
   int xmlMetadataMissingCount = agent.GetCountMetadataXml(MetadataScope.Missing); 
   Debug.WriteLine("XML Missing MetadataCount: {0}", xmlMetadataMissingCount); 
   // Get the missing count of JSON metadata records 
   int jsonMetadataMissingCount = agent.GetCountMetadataJson(MetadataScope.Missing); 
   Debug.WriteLine("JSON Missing MetadataCount: {0}", jsonMetadataMissingCount); 
   // Delete the metadata for sopInstanceUid2 and sopInstanceUid3 
   List<string> sopList = new List<string>(); 
   // Verify the metadata exists no longer exists for sopInstanceUid2 
   exists = agent.ExistsMetadataXml(sopInstanceUid2); 
   exists = agent.ExistsMetadataJson(sopInstanceUid2); 
   // Generate metadata for all records in the database 
   agent.GenerateMetadataStarting += Agent_GenerateMetadataStarting; 
   agent.GenerateMetadataUpdate += Agent_GenerateMetadataUpdate; 
   agent.GenerateMetadataCompleted += Agent_GenerateMetadataCompleted; 
   agent.GenerateMetadataXml(DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags.IgnoreBinaryData, MetadataScope.All); 
   agent.GenerateMetadataJson(DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags.IgnoreBinaryData, MetadataScope.All); 
   // Or you can call a single method to generate all metadata 
   MetadataOptions options = new MetadataOptions(); 
   options.SaveJsonFlags = DicomDataSetSaveJsonFlags.IgnoreBinaryData; 
   options.SaveXmlFlags = DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags.IgnoreBinaryData; 
   options.StoreJson = true; 
   options.StoreXml = true; 
   agent.GenerateMetadata(options, MetadataScope.All); 
private static void Agent_GenerateMetadataCompleted(object sender, GenerateMetadataArgs e) 
   Debug.WriteLine("GenerateMetadataCompleted {0} of {1}: ", e.CurrentItem + 1, e.TotalCount); 
private static void Agent_GenerateMetadataUpdate(object sender, GenerateMetadataArgs e) 
   // Cancel generating metadata after 5 metadata records have been generated 
   if (e.CurrentItem + 1 == 5) 
      e.Cancelled = true; 
      Debug.WriteLine("GenerateMetadataUpdate - Cancelled {0} of {1}: ", e.CurrentItem + 1, e.TotalCount); 
private static void Agent_GenerateMetadataStarting(object sender, GenerateMetadataArgs e) 
   Debug.WriteLine("GenerateMetadataStarting {0} of {1}: ", e.CurrentItem + 1, e.TotalCount); 

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