
The DISPMAGACTIONPROPS structure contains the properties for controlling the Magnifying Glass action.


typedef struct tagDISPMAGACTIONPROPS 
   L_INT nWidth; 
   L_INT nHeight; 
   L_INT nZoom; 
   COLORREF clrPen; 
   L_BOOL bEllipse; 
   L_INT nBorderSize; 
   L_BOOL b3D; 
   L_INT nCrosshair; 



A structure that contains the general action properties. This member is applied on the container level.


The width of the magnifying glass. Minimum size is 10 pixels. This member is applied on the container level. Default is 200.


The height of the magnifying glass. Minimum size is 10 pixels. This member is applied on the container level. Default is 200.


The zoom factor for the magnification, in percent. This value must be >= 100. For example, to zoom the image 2X, specify 200 for nZoom; for 3X, specify 300, etc. This member is applied on the container level. Default is 200.


The color of the border of the magnifying glass. This is ignored when bEllipse = FALSE and b3D = TRUE. This member is applied on the container level. Default is black.


Flag that indicates the shape of the magnifying glass. This member is applied on the container level. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE The magnifying glass is an ellipse.
FALSE The magnifying glass is a rectangle. (Default)


The size of the magnifying glass border in pixels. This value is ignored when bEllipse = FALSE and b3D = TRUE. In this case the magnifying glass appears as a rectangle with a 3D border. The 3D border has a thickness of 2 pixels, one pixel for the highlight color and one for the shadow color. Default is 1.

This member is applied on the container level.


Flag that indicates whether the border of a rectangular magnifying glass appears as 3D or flat.

This member is applied on the container level. This value is valid only if bEllipse is FALSE. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE The rectangular magnifying glass appears with a 3D border.
FALSE The rectangular magnifying glass appears with a flat border. (Default)



Flag that indicates the type of crosshair This member is applied on the container level. Possible values are: |

Value Meaning
CROSSHAIR_NONE [0] No Crosshair
CROSSHAIR_FINE [1] The crosshair is one pixel wide and uses the color in clrPen. (Default)
CROSSHAIR_INVERTPEN [2] The crosshair is three pixels wide. The center pixel uses the color in clrPen. The outer pixels use the inverse of the color in clrPen.
CROSSHAIR_INVERTSCREEN [3] The crosshair is three pixels wide. The center pixel uses the color in clrPen. The outer pixels use the inverse of the screen color.


For each action supported by the image viewer, there are general properties and specific properties. The general properties are those that are common to all actions and are applied at the container level. Each structure specific for an action contains a member that is a DISPCONTAINERACTIONPROPS structure and one or more other members. The DISPCONTAINERACTIONPROPS structure contains "general properties" that are common to all actions. The other members of the structures are considered "general properties" or "specific properties", depending on whether they are applied at the container level or the cell level. Those members that are applied at the container level are also considered "general properties". Members that are applied at the cell level or the sub-cell level are considered "specific properties".

To get or set the general action properties and any "Container-level" properties in this structure, call L_DispContainerGetActionProperties or L_DispContainerSetActionProperties with uFlags to CONTAINER_ACTION_CONTAINERLEVEL.

To get or set the specific action properties, "Cell-level" or "Sub-cell level" properties in this structure, call L_DispContainerGetActionProperties or L_DispContainerSetActionProperties with uFlags to CONTAINER_ACTION_CELLLEVEL.

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