

Set the annotation container on the specified cell or sub-cell.


#include "ltivw.h"

L_LTIVW_API L_INT EXT_FUNCTION L_DispContainerSetAnnotationContainer(hCellWnd, nSubCellIndex, hAnnContainer, uFlags)


L_HWND hCellWnd

A handle to the window that represents the cell on which the function's effect will be applied.

L_INT nSubCellIndex

A zero-based index into the image list attached to the cell specified in nCellIndex. This sub-cell is the one that the annotation container will be set to. Pass -2 to refer to the selected sub-cell. If the cell contains 1 frame then the nSubCellIndex should be 0.

HANNOBJECT hAnnContainer

Handle to the annotation container.

L_UINT uFlags

Reserved for future use. Pass 0.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


This function sets the annotation container. To get the annotation container use L_DispContainerGetAnnotationContainer.

Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also




For an example, refer to L_DispContainerGetAnnotationContainer.

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