

Sets the license for the calling application.


#include "ltms.h"

Language Syntax
C HRESULT IltmsLicenseManager_SetLicense(pLicenseManager, license, key, flags)
C++ HRESULT SetLicense(license, key, flags)


IltmsLicenseManager *pLicenseManager

Pointer to an IltmsLicenseManager interface.

BSTR license

String containing the license or a path to the license file.

BSTR key

String containing the key or a path to the key file.

LONG flags

Flags that specify the type of operation to perform. It is a bitwise OR of the ltmsSetLicenseFlags Enumeration Constants.


Value Meaning
S_OK The function was successful.
<> S_OK An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the DirectShow documentation.


This function will set the license for the entire application, and is only required to be called once. If the library is already licensed, any additional calls to this function will be ignored, unless ltmsSetLicenseFlags_Overwrite is specified.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




For a C++ example, refer to License Holder Example for C++.

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