

Obtains the embedded fonts attached to a specific print job.


#include "Ltprinter.h"

L_LTPRINTER_API L_INT EXT_FUNCTION L_PrnGetEmbeddedFonts( pszDirectoryPath, nJobId, pszFontNames, pnBufferSize, pnElements)


L_TCHAR * pszDirectoryPath

Character string that contains the folder path, to copy the fonts to.

L_INT nJobId

Job ID to retrieve the fonts from.

L_TCHAR * pszFontNames

A null-terminated string buffer to be updated with the font's name. Each font name will have a MAX_PATH length.

L_INT * pnBufferSize

Pointer to an integer to be updated with the size of pszFontNames, in bytes.

L_INT * pnElements

Pointer to an integer to be updated with the number of elements of pszFontNames.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


To use this function:

  1. Declare two variables of type L_INT and pass the address of the variables as pnBufferSize and pnElements parameters.

  2. Pass NULL for the pszFontNames parameter.

  3. The size will be returned in the variable *pnBufferSize.

  4. Locate a buffer of *pnBufferSize.

  5. Call the function again passing the address of the buffer for pszFontNames.

  6. The embedded fonts are returned in the buffer pszFontNames. Each font will have a MAX_PATH length.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.


For an example, refer to L_PrnGetRemoteData.

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