Setting a Runtime License

Obtaining a Deployment License

If you do not have a deployment license file and a developer key, refer to Obtaining a License.

Using a License File and a Developer Key File

These instructions apply to both evaluation and deployment LEADTOOLS license files and developer key files. Once you have obtained your developer key file and license file, use the appropriate license function for your development environment and target platform.

Medical, Document, and Imaging Features (Non-Multimedia Features)

If it is included in your LEADTOOLS deployment license, and is available for the target platform, the Media Raster feature known as DVD Burner in the Multimedia toolkits is unlocked with any of the above methods.

Ensuring Medical, Document, and Imaging Features (Non-Multimedia Features) License is Set Correctly

Check that the license was set successfully for non-Multimedia features by using the appropriate function for your development environment. Ensure the returned value is not "Nag" or "Evaluation":

Platform Function
C DLL L_VersionInfo
C++ Class Library LBase::VersionInfo
.NET / Java RasterSupport.KernelType

Enabled Medical, Document, and Imaging Features (Non-Multimedia Features)

To determine whether a specific feature is enabled after setting a deployment license, call the appropriate function for your development environment:

Platform Function
C DLL L_IsSupportLocked
C++ Class Library LSettings::IsSupportLocked
.NET / Objective C / Java RasterSupport.IsLocked

Multimedia Features

Unlike LEADTOOLS Medical, Document, and Imaging products, LEADTOOLS Multimedia products use license keys instead of a deployment license file/developer key combination to unlock specific multimedia DirectShow and Media Foundation filters. These keys will be sent to you by after appropriate deployment licensing is in place. Until then, the LEADTOOLS DirectShow and Media Foundation filters are available in evaluation mode. For more information, refer to LEAD DirectShow and Media Foundation Evaluation Mechanism.

Platform Function
C DLL (C / C++ / VB6) ILMDSKernel2::UnlockModule
.NET (C# / VB) MultimediaSupport.UnlockModule

Additional Multimedia Licensing Information

Tutorials for Setting a License in a Project

After obtaining a developer key file and license file, refer LEADTOOLS SDK Getting Started Tutorials Help for a tutorial platform-specific to the one your project is using.

If you prefer to use a project as a guide that is already set with a license key, download one from Tutorials. In the project itself, you will need to set a Deployment License.


See Also

For more information on additional LEADTOOLS Products and Features, refer to the following resources:

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Getting Started with LEADTOOLS
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