Image Annotation Tools

Annotation tools can be found on the Viewer Tab by clicking Annotations. Use these tools to measure or highlight areas on an image. All effects placed on the image using these tools can be added without losing the original image.

Annotation Tools

Dropdown to annotation tools
**Annotation Tool Dropdown**

Click the drop-down button to open a menu to display the available annotation tools.


Use the Select tool to select a region of interest on an image. After clicking the Select tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the region to be highlighted.


Use the Arrow tool to draw an arrow to a particular point on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Arrow tool, move the mouse to the point where the arrowhead should be. Then left-click and drag the mouse to the starting point for the arrow.


Use the Point tool to place a point object on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Point tool, left-click the location to place the point.


Use the Rectangle tool to draw a rectangle of any size on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Rectangle tool, move the mouse to one corner of the rectangle and then left-click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner.


Use the Ellipse tool to draw an ellipse of any size on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Ellipse tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the area where the ellipse should be.


Use the Curve tool to draw a curve of any size on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Curve tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the area where the curve should be.


Use the Line tool to draw a line of any length on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Line tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the area where the line should be.


Use the Freehand tool to draw a freehand line of any length on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Freehand tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the area where the freehand line should be.


Use the Polyline tool to draw a polyline of any length on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Polyline tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the area where the polyline should be.


Use the Polygon tool to draw a polygon of any size on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Polygon tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the area where the polygon should be.


Use the Text tool to create an editable text box on the image. After clicking the Text tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the area where the text box should display. Double-click the text box to change the text appearing inside of it. When edits are complete, select an area outside of the text box to accept the changes.


Use the Note tool to create an editable note on the image. After clicking the Note tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the area where the note should display. Double-click the note to change the text appearing inside of it. When edits are complete, select an area outside of the text box to accept the changes.


Use the Highlight tool to draw a highlighted rectangle of any size on the image displayed on the screen. After clicking the Highlight tool, left-click and drag the mouse over the area to be highlighted.

Measurement Tools

Dropdown button
**Measurement Tool Dropdown**

Click the drop-down button to open a menu to display the available annotation measurement tools.


Use the Ruler tool to measure the actual distance from one point to another point on an image. After clicking the Ruler tool, click and hold on the first point of measurement. Drag to the second point and release the mouse. The measurement is displayed in millimeters.

Poly Ruler
**Poly Ruler**

The Poly Ruler tool is similar to the Ruler tool, but is used for non-linear measurements. After clicking the Poly Ruler tool, click and hold on the first point of measurement, then click and drag on the second point of the measurement, then the third, and so on until you are finished. The measurement is displayed in millimeters.


Use the Protractor tool to measure angles. After clicking the Protractor tool, click and drag starting from (1) the point where the angle will be measured to (2) the point where the first line will end. Then click and drag to (3) the point where the second line will end. The measurement of the angle appears in red.

Additional Annotation Tools


Use the Delete tool to delete selected annotations appearing on the image. After selecting the annotation to be deleted, click the Delete tool. Then select the annotation again to confirm that it is what you want to delete.


Use the Clear tool to delete all the annotations on the current frame.

Clear All
**Clear All**

Use the Clear All tool to delete all the annotations from all frames.

See Also

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