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Obtaining a License

Use of LEADTOOLS requires two licensing files: the LEADTOOLS.LIC license and the LEADTOOLS.LIC.key developer key. Acquire these licensing files, whether your goal is to perform a product evaluation or to initiate a deployment.

Obtain Evaluation or Deployment Licensing

To obtain both licensing files follow these steps:

  1. Sign-up for a FREE LEADTOOLS evaluation. The evaluation unlocks all LEADTOOLS features for 60 days.
  2. Find the right product for you through our product wizard, or contact our sales team at
  3. Contact your LEADTOOLS sales representative when you are ready to purchase your development license.
  4. Upon purchasing a LEADTOOLS development license, a license file and developer key file will be sent to you so that you may continue development while a deployment license agreement is put into place.
  5. Next, purchase any necessary deployment licenses, and if applicable, complete and sign a Commercial Deployment License Agreement (CDLA). The signed document may be scanned as a PDF file and sent to To obtain a copy of the Commercial Distribution License for your specific needs, contact
  6. Finally, once licensing has received your order and, if applicable, the executed Commercial Deployment License Agreement (CDLA), you will be sent the specific deployment license file and developer key necessary to unlock the appropriate features. At this point, you may distribute your application per the deployment license agreement.

See Also

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