Image Platform Converter : iOS / macOS

When using the LEADTOOLS Objective C Class Library, the LEADTOOLS Image Data Type is LTRasterImage.

In order to convert to and from the framework CGImage, UIImage (iOS) or NSImage (macOS) objects, use the following functions:


Framework / Class \Examples\Xcode Comments
/ LTRasterImageConverter
(iOS/macOS)\ViewerDemo Provides functions for converting LTRasterImage to and from CGImage, UIImage (iOS), and NSImage (macOS)

When using the LEADTOOLS C API Library, the LEADTOOLS Image Data Type is BITMAPHANDLE.

In order to convert to and from the framework CGImage object, use the following functions:


Assembly / Header File Comments
/ LTBitmapHandleConverter.h
Provides functions for converting BITMAPHANDLE to and from CGImage.
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