The LWIAIMAGERESOLUTION structure provides information about the page coordinates and the area selected to be acquired from the scanner.
Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.
Bits per pixel the acquired images will have.
Horizontal resolution of the WIA source while acquiring the images.
Vertical resolution of the WIA source while acquiring the images.
The horizontal scaling percentage to be applied to the scanned page within the scanner device.
This value can be from 1 to maximum of 65535. For example, 100 means no scaling, 50 means scaling down to 50% of the original size, and 200 means scaling up to 200% of the original size.
This member is only available on VISTA (WIA 2.0 version).
The vertical scaling percentage to be applied to the scanned page within the scanner device.
This value can be from 1 to maximum of 65535. For example, 100 means no scaling, 50 means scaling down to 50% of the original size, and 200 means scaling up to 200% of the original size.
This member is only available on VISTA (WIA 2.0 version).
The acquired image rotation angle value before transfer.
The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the scanning area.
The Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the scanning area.
The width of the scanning area.
The height of the scanning area.
This feature is available in LEADTOOLS version 16 or higher.
pLWIAIMAGERESOLUTION is a pointer to an LWIAIMAGERESOLUTION structure. If the function parameter type is pLWIAIMAGERESOLUTION, you can declare an LWIAIMAGERESOLUTION variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pLWIAIMAGERESOLUTION variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.