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The LWIACAPABILITY structure provides information about each enumerated WIA capability.


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typedef struct _LWIACAPABILITY 
   L_UINT  uStructSize; 
   L_UINT  uPropertyID; 
   L_TCHAR szPropertyName[MAX_PATH]; 
   L_UINT  uVariableType; 
   L_UINT  uPropertyAttributes; 
   pLWIACAPABILITYVALUES  pCapabilityValues; 



Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.


The enumerated property ID.


The name of the enumerated property.


The type of the enumerated property so the property can be cast correctly for the received property value.


Enumerated property attributes, including the property value type (Flag value, List value, or Range value); and property access (Read, Write, Read/Write).

The following constants are valid property attributes:

Value Meaning
WIA_PROP_CACHEABLE The device can cache the property's value.
WIA_PROP_FLAG The property has a list of legal flag values. Flag values are combined using a bitwise OR operation.
WIA_PROP_LIST The property has a list of legal values.
WIA_PROP_NONE The property does not have any valid values associated with it.
WIA_PROP_RANGE The property has a range of valid values.
WIA_PROP_READ The application can read the property's value.
WIA_PROP_RW The application can read and write the property's value.
WIA_PROP_WRITE The application can write the property's value.


Pointer to the values structure that contains the enumerated capability values.


This feature is available in LEADTOOLS version 16 or higher.

pLWIACAPABILITY is a pointer to an LWIACAPABILITY structure. If the function parameter type is LWIACAPABILITY, declare an LWIACAPABILITY variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pLWIACAPABILITY variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.


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