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The LWIAIMAGEEFFECTS structure provides information about image effects to be applied to the acquired image.
Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.
Brightness value. Possible values range from -1000 through 1000, where 1000 corresponds to the maximum brightness, 0 corresponds to normal brightness, and -1000 corresponds to the minimum brightness.
Contrast value. Possible values range from -1000 through 1000, where 1000 corresponds to the maximum contrast, 0 corresponds to normal contrast, and -1000 corresponds to the minimum contrast.
This feature is available in LEADTOOLS version 16 or higher.
pLWIAIMAGEEFFECTS is a pointer to an LWIAIMAGEEFFECTS structure. If the function parameter type is pLWIAIMAGEEFFECTS, you can declare an LWIAIMAGEEFFECTS variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pLWIAIMAGEEFFECTS variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.