LEADDlgImgEffect Control

This control supports the following properties, methods and events for the LEAD Image Effect dialogs:


AddBitmapsFlags property

Amount property

Amplitude property

Amplitudes property

AmplitudesCount property

Angle property

AntiAliasFilterType property

Attenuation property

BackgroundColor property

BendingFlags property

BinaryFilterType property

BitmapBitsPerPixel property

BitmapHeight property

BitmapWidth property

CellHeight property

CellWidth property

CenterPoint property

Channel property

CommandShow property

CylindricalType property

DeltaDirection property

Depth property

Dimension property

Direction property

DirectoryPath property

DlgFlags property

EdgeDetectionFilterType property

EnableMethodErrors property

Error property

ErrorMsg property

Factor property

FillColor property

FreeHandShearFlags property

FreeHandWaveFlags property

Frequency property

HorizontalDim property

HorzScale property

ItemBitmap property

ItemDescription property

ItemFileName property

ItemsCount property

LEADDlgService property

LEADImage property

MaxError property

Opacity property

Option property

OptionFlags property

Phase property

PicturizeResizeFlags property

PixelateFlags property

PolarFlags property

PunchFlags property

RadialWaveFlags property

Radius property

Range property

Resolution property

RippleFlags property

Scale property

SelectedBitmap property

SelectedBitmapIndex property

SelectedBitmapList property

Sharpness property

ShowHelpButton property

SpatialFilterType property

SpherizeFlags property

StitchBitmap property

Stress property

Threshold property

UnderlayFlags property

Unidirectional property

UnshrpMaskFlags property

Value property

VerticalDim property

VertScale property

WaveFlags property

WaveLength property

WindowIcon property

ZoomFactor property

ZoomToFit property

ZoomWaveFlags property


ShowAddNoiseDlg method

ShowAntiAliasDlg method

ShowAverageDlg method

ShowBendingDlg method

ShowContourFilterDlg method

ShowCylindricalDlg method

ShowDilationFilterDlg method

ShowEdgeDetectorDlg method

ShowEmbossDlg method

ShowErosionFilterDlg method

ShowFreeHandShearDlg method

ShowFreeHandWaveDlg method

ShowGaussianBlurDlg method

ShowGradientFilterDlg method

ShowImpressionistDlg method

ShowLaplacianFilterDlg method

ShowLineSegmentFilterDlg method

ShowMaxFilterDlg method

ShowMedianDlg method

ShowMinFilterDlg method

ShowMosaicDlg method

ShowMotionBlurDlg method

ShowMultiplyDlg method

ShowOilifyDlg method

ShowPicturizeDlg method

ShowPixelateDlg method

ShowPolarDlg method

ShowPrewittFilterDlg method

ShowPunchDlg method

ShowRadialBlurDlg method

ShowRadialWaveDlg method

ShowRippleDlg method

ShowSharpenDlg method

ShowShiftDifferenceFilterDlg method

ShowSobelFilterDlg method

ShowSpherizeDlg method

ShowSwirlDlg method

ShowUnsharpMaskDlg method

ShowWaveDlg method

ShowWindDlg method

ShowZoomBlurDlg method

ShowZoomWaveDlg method


OnDlgHelp event