Raster Images:
 Displaying and Printing
  Displaying Images

Setting the control's appearance:

BackColor property

FrameThickness property

FrameColor property

FrameInnerStyle property

FrameInnerThickness property

FrameInnerHiliteColor property

FrameInnerShadowColor property

FrameOuterStyle property

FrameOuterThickness property

FrameOuterHiliteColor property

FrameOuterShadowColor property

Automated display options:

AutoRepaint property

AutoScroll property

AutoSetRects property

AutoSize property

CenterImage property

EnableKeyboard property

EnableScroll property

HasMagGlass property

PaintSizeMode property

PaintSizeUseDPI property

PaintZoomFactor property

ZoomToRect method

Painting options:

PaintRgnOnly property

BackErase property

BitonalScaling property (Document/Medical only)

PaintDither property

PaintEffect property

PaintPalette property

PaintROP3 property

PaintGamma property

PaintIntensity property

PaintContrast property

Forced painting:

ForceRepaint method

RepaintRect method

Converting between client and bitmap coordinates:

BitmapToClient method

ClientToBitmap method

ConvertX property

ConvertY property

Setting source and destination rectangles:

SetDstClipRect method

SetDstRect method

SetSrcClipRect method

SetSrcRect method

Source and destination rectangle properties:

SrcHeight property

SrcLeft property

SrcTop property

SrcWidth property


SrcClipHeight property

SrcClipLeft property

SrcClipTop property

SrcClipWidth property


DstHeight property

DstLeft property

DstTop property

DstWidth property


DstClipHeight property

DstClipLeft property

DstClipTop property

DstClipWidth property

Scrolling an image

AutoScroll property

HScrollInfo property

OnScroll event

VScrollInfo property

Using a PanWindow:

OnPanWin event

PanWinBitonalScaling property

PanWinHeight property

PanWinIcon property

PanWinPaintDither property

PanWinPaintPalette property

PanWinPaintScaling property

PanWinPointer property

PanWinRectColor property

PanWinSysMenu property

PanWinTitle property

PanWinWidth property

PanWinPointer property

ShowPanWin method

Using the ImageList Control

AllowSelection property (ImageList Control)

BackColor property (ImageList Control)

BitonalScaling property (ImageList Control)

BorderColor property (ImageList Control)

Clear method (ImageList Control)

ColumnCount property (ImageList Control)

Count property (ImageList Control)

CurrentPage property (ImageList Control)

DisplayItemText property (ImageList Control)

EnableKeyboard property (ImageList Control)

EnableMethodErrors property (ImageList Control)

EnsureVisible method (ImageList Control)

ExportBitmapList method (ImageList Control)

FirstVisibleItem property(ImageList Control)

Font property (ImageList Control)

ForeColor property (ImageList Control)

HitTest method (ImageList Control)

ImportBitmapList method (ImageList Control)

Insert method (ImageList Control)

InsertAt method (ImageList Control)

InsertFromBitmapList method (ImageList Control)

IsSupportLocked method (ImageList Control)

Item property (ImageList Control)

ItemBackgroundColor property (ImageList Control)

ItemHeight property (ImageList Control)

ItemHorizontalSpacing property (ImageList Control)

ItemVerticalSpacing property (ImageList Control)

ItemWidth property (ImageList Control)

LoadDatabase method (ImageList Control)

LoadFromFile method (ImageList Control)

OnItemSelected event (ImageList Control)

OwnerDrawItem event (ImageList Control)

OwnerDrawItems property (ImageList Control)

PageCount property (ImageList Control)

PaintDither property (ImageList Control)

PaintScaling property (ImageList Control)

Remove method (ImageList Control)

RowCount property (ImageList Control)

SaveDatabase method (ImageList Control)

SaveToFile method (ImageList Control)

Scroll event (ImageList Control)

ScrollItems method (ImageList Control)

ScrollStyle property (ImageList Control)

SelectAll method (ImageList Control)

SelectedCount property (ImageList Control)

SelectedItems property (ImageList Control)

SelectionColor property (ImageList Control)

SelectionStyle property (ImageList Control)

SetSelectionBitmap method (ImageList Control)

Sort method (ImageList Control)

SortExt method (ImageList Control)

UnlockSupport method (ImageList Control)

ViewSize property (ImageList Control)

Magnifying Glass

MagGlassBitonalScaling property (Main Control)

MagGlassFlags property (Main Control)

MagGlassMask property (Main Control)

MagGlassMaskCount property (Main Control)

MagGlassPaintContrast property (Main Control)

MagGlassPaintContrast property (Main Control)

MagGlassPaintDither property (Main Control)

MagGlassPaintGamma property (Main Control)

MagGlassPaintGamma property (Main Control)

MagGlassPaintIntensity property (Main Control)

MagGlassPaintIntensity property (Main Control)

MagGlassPaintPalette property (Main Control)

MagGlassPaintScaling property (Main Control)

MagGlassPointer property (Main Control)

OnMagGlassCursor event (Main Control)

OnMagGlassCursor event

SetMagGlassPos method (Main Control)

SetMagGlassPos method (Main Control)

ShowMagGlass method (Main Control)

ShowMagGlass method (Main Control)

StartMagGlass method (Main Control)

StopMagGlass method (Main Control)

UpdateMagGlassFromHandle method (Main Control)

UpdateMagGlassFromHandle method (Main Control)

UpdateMagGlassShape method (Main Control)


EnableOLEDragMethod property (ImageList Control)

EnableOLEDragMethod property (Main Control)

OLEDragCursor property (ImageList Control)

OLEDragCursor property (Main Control)

OnOLECompleteDrag event (ImageList Control)

OnOLECompleteDrag event (Main Control)

OnOLEDragOver event (ImageList Control)

OnOLEDragOver event (Main Control)

OnOLEGiveFeedback event (ImageList Control)

OnOLEGiveFeedback event (Main Control)

OnOLEStartDrag event (ImageList Control)

OnOLEStartDrag event (Main Control)