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PerlinCommandBitmapEffect Class Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.Windows.Media.Effects.SpecialEffects Namespace : PerlinCommandBitmapEffect Class

For a list of all members of this type, see PerlinCommandBitmapEffect members.

Public Properties

Public PropertyBackcolor Gets or sets the background color.  
Public PropertyCanFreeze(Inherited from System.Windows.Freezable)
Public PropertyDenLayout Gets or sets the value that represents the density of the layout for the produced noise.  
Public PropertyDependencyObjectType(Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public PropertyDispatcher(Inherited from System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject)
Public PropertyFreqLayout Gets or sets the value used to control the frequency of the circles or lines to be created for the noise image.  
Public PropertyFrequency Gets or sets the value that indicates the frequency component for both the x and y axis.  
Public PropertyHasAnimatedProperties(Inherited from System.Windows.Media.Animation.Animatable)
Public PropertyIsFrozen(Inherited from System.Windows.Freezable)
Public PropertyIsSealed(Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
Public PropertyIteration Gets or sets the value that indicates the number of iterations that will be calculated.  
Public PropertyOpacity Gets or sets the value that indicates the percentage to be used when combining the original image with the noise.  
Public PropertyPerlinColor Gets or sets the foreground color.  
Public PropertyPerlinFlags Gets or sets flags that indicate how to apply the effect, and which layout pattern to use for the noise.  
Public PropertySeed Gets or sets the value that represents the initial seeding value for the pseudo-randomization process. Use 0 for automatic seeding.  
Public PropertyXCircle Gets or sets the value that indicates the x coordinate, in pixels and in image coordinates, for the center point of the concentric circles.  
Public PropertyYCircle Gets or sets the value that indicates the y coordinate, in pixels and in image coordinates, for the center point of the concentric circles.  

See Also


PerlinCommandBitmapEffect Class
Leadtools.Windows.Media.Effects.SpecialEffects Namespace
AddNoiseCommandBitmapEffect Class
SharpenCommandBitmapEffect Class
PosterizeCommandBitmapEffect Class
MosaicCommandBitmapEffect Class
EmbossCommandBitmapEffect Class
AverageCommandBitmapEffect Class
MedianCommandBitmapEffect Class
IntensityDetectCommandBitmapEffect Class
SpatialFilterCommandBitmapEffect Class
BinaryFilterCommandBitmapEffect Class
MinimumCommandBitmapEffect Class
MaximumCommandBitmapEffect Class
OilifyCommandBitmapEffect Class
SolarizeCommandBitmapEffect Class
CubismCommandBitmapEffect Class
DrawStarCommandBitmapEffect Class
DryCommandBitmapEffect Class
FreePlaneBendCommandBitmapEffect Class
FreeRadialBendCommandBitmapEffect Class
GlassEffectCommandBitmapEffect Class
GlowCommandBitmapEffect Class
LensFlareCommandBitmapEffect Class
OceanCommandBitmapEffect Class
PlaneBendCommandBitmapEffect Class
PlaneCommandBitmapEffect Class
SampleTargetCommandBitmapEffect Class
TunnelCommandBitmapEffect Class
BendCommandBitmapEffect Class
CylinderCommandBitmapEffect Class
FreeHandShearCommandBitmapEffect Class
FreeHandWaveCommandBitmapEffect Class
ImpressionistCommandBitmapEffect Class
PixelateCommandBitmapEffect Class
PolarCommandBitmapEffect Class
RadialBlurCommandBitmapEffect Class
RadialWaveCommandBitmapEffect Class
RippleCommandBitmapEffect Class
SphereCommandBitmapEffect Class
SwirlCommandBitmapEffect Class
WaveCommandBitmapEffect Class
WindCommandBitmapEffect Class
ZoomBlurCommandBitmapEffect Class
ZoomWaveCommandBitmapEffect Class
ShadowCommandBitmapEffect Class
RevEffectCommandBitmapEffect Class
AgingCommandBitmapEffect Class
DiceEffectCommandBitmapEffect Class
FunctionalLightCommandBitmapEffect Class
PuzzleEffectCommandBitmapEffect Class
RingEffectCommandBitmapEffect Class
AddNoiseCommandBitmapEffect Class