Bitmap property (ILEADRasterDlgImgEfx)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



long Bitmap


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs


Gets or sets the handle of the bitmap.

If you wish to use a bitmap in another control or LEADTOOLS COM Object, you must assign the Bitmap property to the destination control.

Setting this property to 0 clears the bitmap from memory. You can assign its value to another Object's Bitmap property to create a copy.

If a region is defined for the bitmap, the region is also freed or copied.

When assigning from this property to one of the other objects, a reference is made to the source object's bitmap.

See Also


ShowMotionBlurDlg, ShowAverageDlg, ShowMedianDlg, ShowAddNoiseDlg, ShowMaxFilterDlg, ShowMinFilterDlg, ShowSharpenDlg, ShowShiftDifferenceFilterDlg, ShowEmbossDlg, ShowOilifyDlg, ShowMosaicDlg, ShowErosionFilterDlg, ShowDilationFilterDlg, ShowContourFilterDlg, ShowGradientFilterDlg, ShowLaplacianFilterDlg, ShowSobelFilterDlg, ShowPrewittFilterDlg, ShowLineSegmentFilterDlg, ShowUnsharpMaskDlg, ShowAddBitmapsDlg, ShowStitchDlg, ShowEdgeDetectorDlg, ShowUnderlayDlg, ShowPicturizeDlg.