JBIG is an acronym for 'Joint Bi-level Image experts Group'. This was a group of experts nominated by national standards bodies and major companies to work to produce standards for bi-level image coding.

The JBIG group has developed IS 11544 (ITU-T T.82) standard for the lossless compression of a bi-level image. It can also be used for coding grayscale and color images with limited numbers of bits per pixel. It can be used in a similar fashion as Group 3 or Group 4 fax, offering between 20% and 80% improvement in compression over these methods. JBIG compression averages about a 20:1 over the original uncompressed image.

LEADTOOLS completely supports all three types of images (bitonal, grayscale and color), giving you the ability to make full use of this powerful compression technology. LEADTOOLS also supports the progressive capability of JBIG, allowing you to store and send multiple representations of images at different resolutions without any extra storage overhead.

To achieve the highest compression ratios available in the JBIG format, LEADTOOLS takes full advantage of all the functional blocks of this robust standard:

These features are included with:

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging

LEADTOOLS Recognition

LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite

LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging


LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite