Available in LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Vector, Document, and Medical Imaging toolkits. |
LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro ($995)
Price includes:
Development seat, application license, unlimited internal deployment and up to 1000 commercial desk top deployments/5 commercial production server deployments per year. Annual and multi-year unlimited deployment licenses are available for commercial deployment. For more information, please contact oemsales@leadtools.com or call a LEAD sales representative.
Platform Components:
C DLL, C++ class library, .NET classes, and AJAX web controls
Product Description:
LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro provides support for adding to any application the ability to display, load, save, convert or process images. This toolkit gives developers the ability to directly call exported DLL functions, create extremely small footprint applications, obtain low-level access to pixel data, create custom image processing filters, exert full control over load/process/save with callbacks, share images (without copying) via DIBs/DDBs, and exert full control over all display options. The provided AJAX web controls support tiling, so only the necessary portions of an image are downloaded to the browser. Non "browser friendly" formats are decompressed on the server and send back to the client in a "browser friendly" format allowing developers to create web applications that support 150+ formats.
The LEADTOOLS Imaging Engine provides full application development support for:
Color Conversion, Display, and Compression for over 150 Image Formats, including: JPEG, J2K, TIFF, CCITT G4, CMW, LEAD's proprietary CMP, extended FlashPix, and ABC (read-only);
Image Processing, including Transforms, Filters, Drawing, and Region of Interest;
AJAX Enabled WebForm Controls
More than 2000 Special Effects;
Internet/intranet imaging;
Database imaging;
Imaging Common Dialogs;
Screen Capture
This product includes:
Image Processing: Region of Interest
Special Effects: Display and Drawing
Fast TWAIN Support
AJAX Enabled WebForm Controls
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Load/Save Support for 150+ File Formats
Advanced Bitonal Compression (ABC) Support (read)
This product is included with:
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite
Other LEADTOOLS products that can be added to this product: