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AnnD2DRenderingEngine Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnD2DRenderingEngine members

Public Methods

Name Description
Attach Attaches a container and a context to this drawing engine.
AttachContainer Attaches a container to this drawing engine. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.Core.Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine )
AttachContainers Attaches this rendering engine to list of annotation containers and a drawing context (D2DSurface).
Burn Burns the annotation objects in Container to the destination context using the existing destination rectangle and resolution (DPI). (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.Core.Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine )
BurnToRect Burns the annotation objects in Container to the destination context and destination rectangle. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.Core.Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine )
BurnToRectWithDpi Burns the annotation objects in Container to the destination context and destination rectangle at the specified resolution. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.Core.Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine )
ClearSurface Clears the d2d drawing context with selected solid brush
Detach Detaches this drawing engine from the container.
DetachContainers Detaches this drawing engine from the containers list.
DrawPicture Helper method to draw an AnnPicture using the properties of this rendering engine.
LoadPictureAsync Loads the picture data resource for the specified AnnObject.
LoadResourceToPicture Loads the picture data resource for each AnnObject in the specified AnnContainer.
MeasureString Measures the specified string when drawn with the specified font.
OnLoadPicture Overrides OnLoadPicture.
Render Overrides AnnRenderingEngine.Render.
RenderContainer Renders a container using the specified clip rectangle. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.Core.Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine )
RenderGrid Renders the overlaying grid into the container. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.Core.Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine )
RenderLayer Renders an individual layer using the specified clip rectangle. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.Core.Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine )
RenderLayers Renders annotation layers using the specified clip rectangle. (Inherited from Leadtools.Annotations.Core.Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine )
RenderOnCanvas Renders the container into the specified RenderTargetBitmap.
RenderOnImage Renders the container into the specified image.
ToBrush Helper method to convert AnnBrush to System.Windows.Media.Brush with alpha, opacity and bounding rectangle values.
ToD2DFont Helper method to convert AnnFont to Leadtools.Windows.D2DRendering.D2DFont.
ToD2DPen Helper method to convert AnnStroke to Leadtools.Windows.D2DRendering.D2DPen using an opacity.
ToFillRule Helper method to convert AnnFillRule to System.Windows.Media.FillRule.
ToFontStretch Helper method to convert AnnFontStretch to System.Windows.Media.FontStretch.
ToFontStyle Helper method to convert AnnFontStyle to System.Windows.Media.FillRule.
ToFontWeight Helper method to convert AnnFontWeight to System.Windows.Media.FontWeight.
ToSolidBrush Helper method to convert AnnSolidColorBrush to System.Windows.Media.Brush with opacity value.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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