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AnnTextObjectRenderer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnTextObjectRenderer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
AnnRectangleObjectRenderer Initializes a new instance of this class. (Inherited from AnnRectangleObjectRenderer)
AnnTextObjectRenderer Initializes a new instance of this class.

Public Methods

Name Description
GetTextSize Measure the text size and return the result.
Render Renders an object.

Public Properties

Name Description
FixedPadding Indicate whether to use the padding value of the text object without any transformation.
FlipReverseText Gets or sets a value that indicate whether the text inside the object is rendered flip or reversed when the object is orientation is changed.
VisualComponents Gets the list of frame work elements that specify the object visual components.
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Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering.WinForms Assembly