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CStoreCommand Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by CStoreCommand.

Public Constructors

Name Description
CStoreCommand Initializes a new instance of the CStoreCommand class.
DicomCommand Initializes a new instance of the DicomCommand class. (Inherited from DicomCommand)

Public Methods

Name Description
Cancel Cancel the processing of the command. (Inherited from DicomCommand)
Execute Process the client request. (Inherited from DicomCommand)
GenerateImages Generates thumbnail raster images out of a DICOM dataset.
GetStorageFullPath Returns the full storage path for _requestDataSet_
GetStorageLocation Returns the local storage location for _requestDataSet_

Protected Methods

Name Description
DoExecute Process the C-STORE request.
DoStoreDataSet Saves the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet and generates images.
IfCanceledThrowException Throws an exception if the user canceled the execution of the command. (Inherited from DicomCommand)
OnDataSetStored Fires the DataSetStored event.
OnSettingInstancePath Raises the SettingInstancePath event.
OnStoringDataSet Fires the StoringDataSet event.
SendErrorResponse Sends the error response that occurred during a DICOM command.
StoreToQueryModel Allows inherited classes to process the request dataset and store it to the query model.
ValidateRequestDataSet Validates the dataset sent during a DICOM command request. (Inherited from DicomCommand)
ValidateSOPInstance Allows inherited classes to validate the parameters of the DICOM instance before storing it.

Public Properties

Name Description
Canceled Gets a value indicating if the Cancel method was called on the command. (Inherited from DicomCommand)
Configuration Gets the configuration for the CStoreCommand
DoUpdateDatabase Gets or sets a value indicating whether to update the database when DoExecute gets called.
DoUseExternalStoreSettings Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the external store (cloud) settings to determine where the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet will be saved when DoExecute gets called.
DoValidateSopInstance Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID of the dataset when DoExecute gets called.
ExternalStoreDataAccess Gets or sets the Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.IExternalStoreDataAccessAgent object used to perform queries for the external store database
RequestDataSet Gets the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet that is received with the client request. (Inherited from DicomCommand)
Session Gets the client proxy that performs the communication with the actual client.

Public Events

Name Description
DataSetStored Occurs after storing a DICOM DataSet.
SettingInstancePath Event that is raised when the DICOM instance's path is changed.
StoringDataSet Occurs before storing a DICOM DataSet.

Public Fields

Name Description
SendMessageQueue Posts a message to MS Message Queuing (MSMQ).
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Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Assembly