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QueryCFindCommand Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see QueryCFindCommand members

Public Properties

Name Description
Configuration Gets the configuration object for the CFindCommand. (Inherited from CFindCommand)
DataAccess Gets or sets the object used to query the DICOM instances.
DefualtQueryIOD Gets the XML stream which describes the DICOM Query IOD supported by this command.
IODSchema Gets the XML schema which describes the DICOM Query IOD supported by this command.
LimitResponses Gets or sets a value indicating whether to limit the resulting number of CFind Responses.
MaximumResponses Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum number of resulting CFind Responses per CFind Request.
QueryConfiguration Gets the configuration object for the QueryCFindCommand
ServiceStatus Gets or sets a value indicating the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomCommandStatusType of the final CFind Response sent when LimitResponses is set to true.
Session Gets the client session proxy which handles the DICOM C-FIND messages. (Inherited from CFindCommand)

Protected Properties

Name Description
CommandStatus Gets or sets a value indicating the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomCommandStatusType of the final CFind Response sent when LimitResponses is set to true. (Inherited from CFindCommand)
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Leadtools.Dicom.Scp Assembly