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CompositeInstanceDataSet Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see CompositeInstanceDataSet members

Public Properties

Name Description
AccessionNumber Gets or sets the Accession Number.
AccessionNumberColumn Gets the Accession Number Column.
Action Gets the System.Data.DataRowAction that was performed.
Action Gets the System.Data.DataRowAction that was performed.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ImageInstanceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a InstanceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a NameOfPhysicianReadingStudyRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a OtherPatientIDsRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a OtherPatientNamesRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a OtherStudyNumbersRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a PatientRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a PresentationInstanceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ProcedureCodeSequenceRow.
Action Gets the System.Data.DataRowAction that was performed.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ReferencedImageSequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ReferencedImagesRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ReferencedPatientSequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ReferencedSeriesSequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ReferencedStudySequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a RequestAttributeSequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a SeriesRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a StudyRow.
AdditionalPatientHistory Gets or sets the Additional Patient History.
AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn Gets the Additional Patient History Column.
AdmittingDiagnosesDesc Gets or sets the Admitting Diagnoses Desc.
AdmittingDiagnosesDescColumn Gets the Admitting Diagnoses Desc Column.
AnatomicRegionSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Anatomic Region Sequence' table.
AutoNumber Gets or sets the Auto Number.
AutoNumberColumn Gets the Auto Number Column.
BirthDate Gets or sets the Birth Date.
BirthDateColumn Gets the Birth Date Column.
BitsAllocated Gets or sets the Bits Allocated.
BitsAllocatedColumn Gets the Bits Allocated Column.
BodyPartExamined Gets or sets the Body Part Examined.
BodyPartExaminedColumn Gets the Body Part Examined Column.
CodeMeaning Gets or sets the value of the Code Meaning column for this row.
CodeMeaning Gets or sets the Code Meaning.
CodeMeaning Gets or sets the value of the Code Meaning column for this row.
CodeMeaningColumn Gets the value of the Code Meaning column for this row.
CodeMeaningColumn Gets the Code Meaning Column.
CodeMeaningColumn Gets the value of the Code Meaning column for this row.
CodeValue Gets or sets the value of the Code Value column for this row.
CodeValue Gets or sets the Code Value.
CodeValue Gets or sets the value of the Code Value column for this row.
CodeValueColumn Gets the value of the Code Value column for this row.
CodeValueColumn Gets the Code Value Column.
CodeValueColumn Gets the value of the Code Value column for this row.
CodingSchemaDesignator Gets or sets the Coding Schema Designator.
CodingSchemaDesignatorColumn Gets the Coding Schema Designator Column.
CodingSchemaVersion Gets or sets the Coding Schema Version.
CodingSchemaVersionColumn Gets the Coding Schema Version Column.
CodingSchemeDesignator Gets or sets the value of the Coding Scheme Designator column for this row.
CodingSchemeDesignator Gets or sets the value of the Coding Scheme Designator column for this row.
CodingSchemeDesignatorColumn Gets the value of the Coding Scheme Designator column for this row.
CodingSchemeDesignatorColumn Gets the value of the Coding Scheme Designator column for this row.
CodingSchemeVersion Gets or sets the value of the Coding Scheme Version column for this row.
CodingSchemeVersion Gets or sets the value of the Coding Scheme Version column for this row.
CodingSchemeVersionColumn Gets the value of the Coding Scheme Version column for this row.
CodingSchemeVersionColumn Gets the value of the Coding Scheme Version column for this row.
Comments Gets or sets the Comments.
CommentsColumn Gets the Comments Column.
ContentCreatorFamilyName Gets or sets the Content Creator Family Name.
ContentCreatorFamilyNameColumn Gets the Content Creator Family Name Column.
ContentCreatorGivenName Gets or sets the Content Creator Given Name.
ContentCreatorGivenNameColumn Gets the Content Creator Given Name Column..
ContentCreatorMiddleName Gets or sets the Content Creator Middle Name.
ContentCreatorMiddleNameColumn Gets the Content Creator Middle Name Column.
ContentCreatorNamePrefix Gets or sets the Content Creator Name Prefix.
ContentCreatorNamePrefixColumn Gets the Content Creator Name Prefix Column.
ContentCreatorNameSuffix Gets or sets the Content Creator Name Suffix.
ContentCreatorNameSuffixColumn Gets the Content Creator Name Suffix Column.
ContentDescription Gets or sets the Content Description.
ContentDescriptionColumn Gets the Content Description Column.
ContentLabel Gets or sets the Content Label Value.
ContentLabelColumn Gets the Content Label Column.
Count Gets the total number of AnatomicRegionSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the number of rows in the table.
Count Gets the total number of ImageInstanceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of InstanceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of NameOfPhysicianReadingStudyRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of OtherPatientIDsRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of OtherPatientNamesRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of OtherStudyNumbersRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of PatientRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of PresentationInstanceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ProcedureCodeSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the number of rows in the table.
Count Gets the total number of ReferencedImagesRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ReferencedImageSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ReferencedPatientSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ReferencedSeriesSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ReferencedStudySequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of RequestAttributeSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of SeriesRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of StudyRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
CreationDate Gets or sets the Creation Date.
CreationDateColumn Gets the Creation Date Column.
EchoNumber Gets or sets the value of the Echo Number column for this row.
EchoNumberColumn Gets the Echo Number Column.
EthnicGroup Gets or sets the Ethnic Group.
EthnicGroupColumn Gets the Ethnic Group Column.
ExpireDate Gets or sets the value of the Expire Date column for this row.
ExpireDateColumn Gets the value of the Expire Date column for this row.
ExternalStore Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'External Store' table.
ExternalStoreGuid Gets or sets the value of the External Store Guid column for this row.
ExternalStoreGuid Gets or sets the External Store GUID
ExternalStoreGuidColumn Gets the value of the External Store GUID column for this row.
ExternalStoreGuidColumn Gets the ExternalStoreGuid Column.
FamilyName Gets or sets the Family Name.
FamilyName Gets or sets the Family Name.
FamilyNameColumn Gets the Family Name Column.
FamilyNameColumn Gets the Family Name Column.
Format Gets or sets the Format.
FormatColumn Gets the Format Column.
FrameIndex Gets or sets the Frame Index.
FrameIndexColumn Gets the Frame Index Column.
FrameOfReferenceUID Gets or sets the value of the Frame Of Reference UID column for this row.
FrameOfReferenceUIDColumn Gets the Frame Of Reference UID Column.
GivenName Gets or sets the Given Name.
GivenName Gets or sets the Given Name.
GivenNameColumn Gets the Given Name Column.
GivenNameColumn Gets the Given Name Column.
Height Gets or sets the Height.
HeightColumn Gets the Height Column.
ImageColumns Gets or sets the Image Columns (Width).
ImageColumnsColumn Gets the Image Columns (Width) Column.
ImageInstance Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Image Instance' table.
ImageOrientationPatient Gets or sets the value of the Image Orientation Patient column for this row.
ImageOrientationPatientColumn Gets the Image Orientation Patient Column.
ImagePositionPatient Gets or sets the value of the Image Position Patient column for this row.
ImagePositionPatientColumn Gets the Image Position Patient Column.
ImageRows Gets or sets the Image Rows (Height).
ImageRowsColumn Gets the Image Rows (Height) Column.
Instance Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Instance' table.
InstanceNumber Gets or sets the Instance Number.
InstanceNumberColumn Gets the Instance Number Column.
InstanceRow Gets or sets the value of the Instance Row column for this row.
InstanceRow Gets or sets the parent InstanceRow for this ImageInstanceRow
InstanceRow Gets or sets the parent InstanceRow for this PresentationInstanceRow.
InstanceRow Gets or sets the parent InstanceRow for this ReferencedImagesRow
InstitutionName Gets or sets the Institution Name.
InstitutionNameColumn Gets the Institution Name Column.
InterpretationAuthor Gets or sets the Interpretation Author.
InterpretationAuthorColumn Gets the Interpretation Author Column.
IssuerOfPatientID Gets or sets the Issuer Of Patient ID.
IssuerOfPatientIDColumn Gets the Issuer Of Patient ID Column.
Item Gets the ImageInstanceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the InstanceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the NameOfPhysicianReadingStudyRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the OtherPatientIDsRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the OtherPatientNamesRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the OtherStudyNumbersRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the PatientRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the PresentationInstanceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ProcedureCodeSequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ReferencedImagesRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ReferencedImageSequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ReferencedPatientSequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ReferencedSeriesSequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ReferencedStudySequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the RequestAttributeSequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the SeriesRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the StudyRow at the specified index.
Laterality Gets or sets the Laterality.
LateralityColumn Gets the Laterality Column.
MiddleName Gets or sets the Middle Name.
MiddleName Gets or sets the Middle Name.
MiddleNameColumn Gets the Middle Name Column.
MiddleNameColumn Gets the Middle Name Column.
Modality Gets or sets the Modality.
ModalityColumn Gets the Modality Column.
NameOfPhysicianReadingStudy Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Name Of Physician Reading Study' table.
NamePrefix Gets or sets the Name Prefix.
NamePrefix Gets or sets the Name Prefix.
NamePrefixColumn Gets the Name Prefix Column.
NamePrefixColumn Gets the Name Prefix Column.
NameSuffix Gets or sets the Name Suffix.
NameSuffix Gets or sets the Name Suffix.
NameSuffixColumn Gets the Name Suffix Column.
NameSuffixColumn Gets the Name Suffix Column.
NumberOfFrames Gets or sets the Number Of Frames.
NumberOfFramesColumn Gets the Number Of Frames Column.
Occupation Gets or sets the Occupation.
OccupationColumn Gets the Occupation Column.
OrderNumber Gets or sets the Order Number.
OrderNumberColumn Gets the Order Number Column.
OtherPatientID Gets or sets the Other Patient ID.
OtherPatientIDColumn Gets the Other Patient ID Column.
OtherPatientIDs Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Other Patient IDs' table.
OtherPatientNames Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Other Patient Names' table.
OtherStudyNumber Gets or sets the Other Study Number.
OtherStudyNumberColumn Gets the Other Study Number Column.
OtherStudyNumbers Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Other Study Numbers' table.
Patient Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Patient' table.
PatientAge Gets or sets the Patient Age.
PatientAgeColumn Gets the Patient Age Column.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientRow Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this OtherPatientIDsRow
PatientRow Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this OtherPatientNamesRow
PatientRow Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this ReferencedPatientSequenceRow.
PatientRow Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this StudyRow
PatientSize Gets or sets the Patient Size.
PatientSizeColumn Gets the Patient Size Column.
PatientWeight Gets or sets the Patient Weight.
PatientWeightColumn Gets the Patient Weight Column.
PerformedProcedureStartDate Gets or sets the Performed Procedure Start Date.
PerformedProcedureStartDateColumn Gets the Performed Procedure Start Date Column.
PerformedProcedureStepID Gets or sets the Performed Procedure Step ID.
PerformedProcedureStepIDColumn Gets the Performed Procedure Step ID Column.
PhysicianFamilyName Gets or sets the Physician Family Name.
PhysicianFamilyNameColumn Gets the Physician Family Name Column.
PhysicianGivenName Gets or sets the Physician Given Name.
PhysicianGivenNameColumn Gets the Physician Given Name Column.
PhysicianMiddleName Gets or sets the Physician Middle Name.
PhysicianMiddleNameColumn Gets the Physician Middle Name Column.
PhysicianNamePrefix Gets or sets the Physician Name Prefix.
PhysicianNamePrefixColumn Gets the Physician Name Prefix Column.
PhysicianNameSuffix Gets or sets the Physician Name Suffix.
PhysicianNameSuffixColumn Gets the Physician Name Suffix Column.
PixelSpacing Gets or sets the value of the Pixel Spacing column for this row.
PixelSpacingColumn Gets the Pixel Spacing Column.
PresentationInstance Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Presentation Instance' table.
PresentationInstanceRow Gets or sets the parent PresentationInstanceRow for this ReferencedSeriesSequenceRow.
ProcedureCodeSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Procedure Code Sequence' table.
ProtocolName Gets or sets the Protocol Name.
ProtocolNameColumn Gets the Protocol Name Column.
QualityFactor Gets or sets the Quality Factor.
QualityFactorColumn Gets the Quality Factor Column.
ReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Reason For Requested Procedure Code Sequence' table.
ReceiveDate Gets or sets the Receive Date.
ReceiveDate Gets or sets the Receive Date.
ReceiveDateColumn Gets the Receive Date Column.
ReceiveDateColumn Gets the Receive Date Column.
ReferDrFamilyName Gets or sets the Refer Dr Family Name.
ReferDrFamilyNameColumn Gets the Refer Dr Family Name Column.
ReferDrGivenName Gets or sets the Refer Dr Given Name.
ReferDrGivenNameColumn Gets the Refer Dr Given Name Column.
ReferDrMiddleName Gets or sets the Refer Dr Middle Name.
ReferDrMiddleNameColumn Gets the Refer Dr Middle Name Column.
ReferDrNamePrefix Gets or sets the Refer Dr Name Prefix.
ReferDrNamePrefixColumn Gets the Refer Dr Name Prefix Column.
ReferDrNameSuffix Gets or sets the Refer Dr Name Suffix.
ReferDrNameSuffixColumn Gets the Refer Dr Name Suffix Column.
ReferencedFile Gets or sets the Referenced File.
ReferencedFile Gets or sets the Referenced File.
ReferencedFileColumn Gets the Referenced File Column.
ReferencedFileColumn Gets the Referenced File Column.
ReferencedImages Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Images' table.
ReferencedImageSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Image Sequence' table.
ReferencedPatientSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Patient Sequence' table.
ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence' table.
ReferencedSeriesSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Series Sequence' table.
ReferencedSeriesSequenceRowParent Gets or sets the parent ReferencedSeriesSequenceRow for this ReferencedImageSequenceRow
ReferencedSOPClassUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Class UID.
ReferencedSOPClassUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Class UID.
ReferencedSOPClassUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Class UID.
ReferencedSOPClassUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Class UID.
ReferencedSOPClassUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Class UID Column.
ReferencedSOPClassUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Class UID Column.
ReferencedSOPClassUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Class UID Column.
ReferencedSOPClassUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Class UID Column.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Instance UID.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Instance UID.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Instance UID.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Instance UID.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Instance UID Column.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Instance UID Column.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Instance UID Column.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Instance UID Column.
ReferencedStudySequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Study Sequence' table.
Relations Get the collection of relations that link tables and allow navigation from parent tables to child tables.
RequestAttributeSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Request Attribute Sequence' table.
RequestedProcedureID Gets or sets the Requested Procedure ID.
RequestedProcedureIDColumn Gets the Requested Procedure ID Column.
RetrieveAETitle Gets or sets the Retrieve AE Title.
RetrieveAETitle Gets or sets the Retrieve AE Title.
RetrieveAETitle Gets or sets the Retrieve AE Title.
RetrieveAETitle Gets or sets the Retrieve AE Title.
RetrieveAETitleColumn Gets the Retrieve AE Title Column.
RetrieveAETitleColumn Gets the Retrieve AE Title Column.
RetrieveAETitleColumn Gets the Retrieve AE Title Column.
RetrieveAETitleColumn Gets the Retrieve AE Title Column.
Row Gets the AnatomicRegionSequenceRow that has changed.
Row Gets the ExternalStoreRow that has changed.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row for which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the ReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow that has changed.
Row Gets the row for which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
ScheduledProcedureStepID Gets or sets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID.
ScheduledProcedureStepIDColumn Gets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID Column.
SchemaSerializationMode Gets or sets a System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode for this CompositeInstanceDataSet.
SequenceName Gets or sets the value of the Sequence Name column for this row.
SequenceNameColumn Gets the Sequence Name UID Column.
Series Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Series' table.
SeriesDate Gets or sets the Series Date.
SeriesDateColumn Gets the Series Date Column.
SeriesDescription Gets or sets the Series Description.
SeriesDescriptionColumn Gets the Series Description Column.
SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the Series Instance UID.
SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the value of the Series Instance UID column for this row.
SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the Series Instance UID.
SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the Series Instance UID.
SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the Series Instance UID.
SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the Series Instance UID.
SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the Series Instance UID.
SeriesInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Series Instance UID Column.
SeriesInstanceUIDColumn Gets the value of the SOP Instance UID column for this row.
SeriesInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Series Instance UID Column.
SeriesInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Series Instance UID Column.
SeriesInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Requested Series Instance UID Column.
SeriesInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Series Instance UID Column.
SeriesInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Series Instance UID Column.
SeriesNumber Gets or sets the Series Number.
SeriesNumberColumn Gets the Series Number Column.
SeriesRow Gets or sets the parent SeriesRow for this InstanceRow
SeriesRow Gets or sets the parent SeriesRow for this ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceRow
SeriesRow Gets or sets the parent SeriesRow for this RequestAttributeSequenceRow.
Sex Gets or sets the Sex.
SexColumn Gets the Sex Column.
SOPClassUID Gets or sets the SOP Class UID.
SOPClassUIDColumn Gets the SOP Class UID Column.
SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the value of the SOP Instance UID column for this row.
SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the value of the SOP Instance UID column for this row.
SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the SOP Instance UID.
SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the SOP Instance UID.
SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the SOP Instance UID.
SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the SOP Instance UID.
SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the SOP Instance UID.
SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the SOP Instance UID.
SOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the value of the SOP Instance UID column for this row.
SOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the value of the SOP Instance UID column for this row.
SOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the SOP Instance UID Column.
SOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the SOP Instance UID Column.
SOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the SOP Instance UID Column.
SOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the SOP Instance UID Column.
SOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the SOP Instance UID Column.
SOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the SOP Instance UID Column.
StationName Gets or sets the Station Name.
StationNameColumn Gets the Station Name Column.
StoreAETitle Gets or sets the Store AE Title
StoreAETitleColumn Gets the StoreAETitle Column.
StoreDate Gets or sets the value of the Store Date column for this row.
StoreDateColumn Gets the value of the Store Date column for this row.
StoreToken Gets or sets the value of the Store Token column for this row.
StoreToken Gets or sets the Store Token
StoreTokenColumn Gets the value of the Store Token column for this row.
StoreTokenColumn Gets the StoreToken Column.
Study Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Study' table.
StudyDate Gets or sets the Study Date.
StudyDateColumn Gets the Study Date Column.
StudyDescription Gets or sets the Study Description.
StudyDescriptionColumn Gets the Study Description Column.
StudyID Gets or sets the Study ID.
StudyIDColumn Gets the Study ID Column.
StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the Study Instance UID.
StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the Study Instance UID.
StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the Study Instance UID.
StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the Study Instance UID.
StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the Study Instance UID.
StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the Study Instance UID.
StudyInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Study Instance UID Column.
StudyInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Study Instance UID Column.
StudyInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Study Instance UID Column.
StudyInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Study Instance UID Column.
StudyInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Study Instance UID Column.
StudyInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Study Instance UID Column.
StudyRow Gets or sets the parent StudyRow for this NameOfPhysicianReadingStudyRow
StudyRow Gets or sets the parent StudyRow for this OtherStudyNumbersRow
StudyRow Gets or sets the parent StudyRow for this ProcedureCodeSequenceRow
StudyRow Gets or sets the parent StudyRow for this ReferencedStudySequenceRow
StudyRow Gets or sets the parent StudyRow for this SeriesRow
Tables Gets the collection of tables contained in the CompositeInstanceDataSet.
Thumbnail Gets or sets whether this ReferencedImagesRow is a thumbnail image for the original image.
ThumbnailColumn Gets the Thumbnail Column.
TransferSyntax Gets or sets the Transfer Syntax.
TransferSyntaxColumn Gets the Transfer Syntax Column.
Width Gets or sets the Width.
WidthColumn Gets the Width Column.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.28
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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Assembly