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HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceDataTable Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceDataTable members

Public Methods

Name Description
AddHangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceRow Adds a row to this HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceDataTable.
Clone Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
GetTypedTableSchema Gets a System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType that represents the complexType element from XML Schema as specified by the World Wide Web Consortium.
Item Gets the HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceRow at the specified index from this HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceDataTable.
NewHangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceRow Creates a new HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceRow.
RemoveHangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceRow Removes the specified row.

Protected Methods

Name Description
CreateInstance Creates an uninitialized HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceDataTable.
GetRowType Use this method to get the type of data allowed in the HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceDataTable table row.
NewRowFromBuilder Creates a new System.Data.DataRow.
OnRowChanged Raises the HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceRowChanged event.
OnRowChanging Raises the HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceRowChanging event.
OnRowDeleted Raises the HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceRowDeleted event.
OnRowDeleting Raises the HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceRowDeleting event.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.28
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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Assembly