ImageViewer |
Represents a scrollable control that displays an image with optional interactive UI operations. |
ImageViewerCenterAtInteractiveMode |
Centers the image inside the viewer based on user mouse click or touch tap. |
ImageViewerDrawEvent |
Contains data for the various ImageViewer draw events. |
ImageViewerDrawEvent |
Contains data for the various ImageViewer draw events. |
ImageViewerInteractiveMode |
Represents the base class for the rich user experience features of an ImageViewer |
ImageViewerMagnifyGlassInteractiveMode |
Shows a magnified version of the image on top of the viewer's |
ImageViewerNoneInteractiveMode |
Implementation of ImageViewerInteractiveMode that does not have an action. |
ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode |
Provides interactive pan and zoom user interface functionality to an ImageViewer. |
ImageViewerRubberBandEventArgs |
Contains data for the ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode.RubberBandStarted, ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode.RubberBandDelta and ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode.RubberBandCompleted events. |
ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode |
Draws a rectangle on the viewer. |
ImageViewerSpyGlassDrawImageEvent |
Contains the event data for the ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode.DrawImage listener. |
ImageViewerSpyGlassDrawImageEvent |
Contains the event data for the ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode.DrawImage listener. |
ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode |
Draws and pans a spy glass on top of the viewer. |
ImageViewerZoomToInteractiveMode |
Zooms to a rectangle on the image. |
InteractiveDragCompletedEventArgs |
Contains data for the InteractiveService.DragCompleted event. |
InteractiveDragDeltaEventArgs |
Contains data for the InteractiveService.DragDelta event. |
InteractiveDragStartedEventArgs |
Contains data for the InteractiveService.DragStarted event. |
InteractiveEventArgs |
Defines the Base class for all the interactive events. |
InteractiveService |
Defines the service to translate mouse and tap events to common user interface interactions. |
LTBasicEvent |
Represents basic state information of the gesture event. |
LTBasicGestureEvent |
Represents basic event information about the state of a gesture. |
LTBasicGestureRecognizer |
Recognizes basic gesture low level events. |
LTMouseEvent |
Represents basic state information of the mouse event. |
LTPinchEvent |
Represents basic state information of the pinch gesture event. |
LTRotateEvent |
Represents basic state information of the rotate gesture event. |
LTScrollEvent |
Represents basic state information of the scroll event. |
PinchGestureEvent |
Contains data for the PinchgestureListener. |
RasterImageViewer |
Represents a scrollable control that displays a LEADTOOLS Leadtools.RasterImage with optional interactive UI operations. |