
struct L_OcrZoneCell 
   L_UINT StructSize; 
   L_RECT Bounds; 
   L_OcrZoneType CellType; 
   L_COLORREF BackgroundColor; 
   L_COLORREF LeftBorderColor; 
   L_COLORREF TopBorderColor; 
   L_COLORREF RightBorderColor; 
   L_COLORREF BottomBorderColor; 
   L_OcrBorderLineStyle LeftBorderStyle; 
   L_OcrBorderLineStyle TopBorderStyle; 
   L_OcrBorderLineStyle RightBorderStyle; 
   L_OcrBorderLineStyle BottomBorderStyle; 
   L_OcrBackgroundFillStyle BackgroundFillStlye; 
   L_UINT LeftBorderWidth; 
   L_UINT TopBorderWidth; 
   L_UINT RightBorderWidth; 
   L_UINT BottomBorderWidth; 
typedef struct L_OcrZoneCell L_OcrZoneCell; 

Contains information of a cell in a zone of type L_OcrZoneType_Table.

Member Description
StructSize Structure size. It should be equal to sizeof(L_OcrZoneCell).
Bounds Gets or sets the bounding rectangle of the cell.
CellType Gets or sets the type of the cell.
BackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color of the cell.
LeftBorderColor Gets or sets the left border color of the cell.
TopBorderColor Gets or sets the top border color of the cell.
RightBorderColor Gets or sets the right border color of the cell.
BottomBorderColor Gets or sets the bottom border color of the cell.
LeftBorderStyle Gets or sets the style of the left border of the cell.
TopBorderStyle Gets or sets the style of the top border of the cell.
RightBorderStyle Gets or sets the style of the right border of the cell.
BottomBorderStyle Gets or sets the style of the bottom border of the cell.
BackgroundFillStlye Gets or sets the cell background fill style.
LeftBorderWidth Gets or sets the width of the left border of the cell.
TopBorderWidth Gets or sets the width of the top border of the cell.
RightBorderWidth Gets or sets the width of the right border of the cell.
BottomBorderWidth Gets or sets the width of the bottom border of the cell.


You can use table cells in one of two ways:

Perform auto-zoning on the page using L_OcrPage_AutoZone, if the page contains a detected table, a zone of type L_OcrZoneType_Table is created for this table. If the engine successfully detects the cells of the table, These cells can be accessed using L_OcrPage_GetZoneCells and L_OcrPage_SetZoneCells.

To manipulate a cell properties other than its bound (L_OcrZoneCell.Bounds), get the array of detected cells through L_OcrPage_GetZoneCells, change the cell background color, style or any border color, style or width. When you are done, re-set the array using L_OcrPage_SetZoneCells.

It is not recommended that you manually remove or add cells to the array, the engine is very sensitive to zone boundaries and any non-accurate information will cause an error.

This structure is used with the following functions:




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